Chapter 7: The Village Althea

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After getting a day's rest from her human form. She felt refreshed and energized. She felt better than ever. She stepped out of her room with pride and into the kitchen where everyone ate.

"Akashi, you seem to be in a good mood today." Mr. Hiroshi said.

"I'm ready to help and make up for the time I missed helping Mr. Hiroshi. My energy is fully restored." Akashi said.

Everyone smiled and laughed.

After eating with the rest of the Hiroshis, Akashi and Koemi went off to work around the farm. They finished earlier than usual and had nothing else to do.

"I've never finished early before. I guess now we can relax." Keomi said.

Something that Akashi thought about once before came back to her. 'What if there were other Oni's other than the ones at the castle? Surely there had to be other nice Oni's other than her.'

Akashi wondered if the people living here knew anything about the Oni. She felt comfortable enough to ask Keomi.

"Hey Keomi?" Akashi said.

Keomi turned his attention to Akashi and said, "Yes?"

"What do you know about Oni's?" Akashi asked.

He thought for a moment. Then he finally spoke again.

"I know people that have said horrendous things about Oni's. Inhuman things. Which would be obvious since they aren't human. People made Oni's seem schadenfreude"

Akashi sighed and looked down at her feet. Realizing that there was no hope of her revealing her identity.

"But..." Keomi started saying.

Akashi looked back up at Keomi.

Keomi began again, "I've heard other stories. Stories that weren't as macabre. Stories of peaceful Oni."

This was the first Akashi had heard of something like that.

"Do you believe in the peaceful Oni's?" Akashi asked.

Keomi looked at Akashi in a questioning way.

"Why are you asking all these questions?" Keomi asked.

"Well...I just want to know." Akashi said.

Keomi looked up at the sky. Enjoying the bright blue sky.

"I'm sure somewhere out there, there are multiple peaceful Oni," Keomi said.

"Can you see yourself being with an Oni?" Akashi asked.

What do you mean?" Keomi asked, "Like dating?"

Akashi felt embarrassed.

"I meant like living around one," Akashi said.

Keomi thought again.

"As long as they promise I'm safe," Keomi said.

"I promise you're safe," Akashi said.

"Thank you, Akashi," Keomi said with a smile.

Akashi expected Keomi to take the hint but he didn't. She wanted him to know, though.

"Keomi, would you mind if we talked in a more private place?" Akashi asked.

Keomi's thought went other places so he got nervous answering.

"S-sure." Keomi stuttered.

Akashi and Keomi entered a storage barn. A barn where all the equipment was along with lots and lots of hay. They went behind the hay and talked there.

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