Chapter 10: The King of Okemia

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"Your Highness...permission to speak?" A human guard said.

"Permission granted." The king said.

"The conclusion of our attack on the kingdom of Akshara is here."

"Read it to me."

"The kingdom of Akshara has agreed to trade with us but we've destroyed most of their kingdom so it might come slow at first."

The king smirked with satisfaction after hearing this news. He was proud to have power over the amazing Oni like his father, father's, etc had.

"And the missing Oni?" The king asked.

"Still not found." The guard said.

The king, with all these Oni's, still wanted more. He aimed for perfection. He wanted Akashi back. He would punish her for her actions.

"Did our traitor finally speak? The king asked.

"No, Your Highness."

"Bring her in then."

The guard ran off and then came back once again with an Oni. The Oni had white hair, and red eyes, and her hands were chained. It was Kuro. Akashi's Oni's best friend. She was determined to keep Okemia away from Akashi.

"Speak traitor." The king demanded.

"Never," Kuro said.

The king's anger grew. He got up from his throne. He confidently walked to Kuro. With his hand, he slapped Kuro. He and the guards of Okemia had been abusing Kuro in Akashi's absence.

"This is your last chance. I've decided now." The king began.

The king got a grip on Kuro's chin, raising it to look at him eye to eye. Just a few days ago they'd found out that she was the last to talk to Akashi the night she ran away. Now she was stuck in this situation.

"You speak now, or you will be beheaded."

Kuro had no choice. She needed to care for her children. She cared much for Akashi but her family mattered as well.

"She was headed towards the ships," Kuro said.

The king who was anticipating this answer, was left disappointed. This was useless information. She could have gone anywhere after that.

The king sighed. Though he was a horrible and cruel king, he was fair. He kept promises. He let go of Kuro's chin.

"Let her go." The king said.

The guard that held Kuro still, took out his keys. He unlocked the chains that bound her and so she was finally free. She ran off to see her husband and kids once again.

'They must have been starving for days,' she thought.

The guard walked away, thinking he was dismissed.

"Stop." The king said.

"Yes, Your Highness." The guard stopped in his tracks and turned to face the king.

"Continue in attempts to find the missing Oni."

"Of course." The king said.

The king walked back to his throne. He sat with his elbow resting on the armrest and held his head up.

"I will have that Oni." 

Word count: 466

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