Chapter 18: The Kingdom of Ronen

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The kingdom of Ronen was the fifth to receive word of the war against Okemia. The kingdom of Ronen was above or north of the kingdom of Akshara. The guard had run into problems just like the third and fourth guard had. It was another horse issue. Since the road to Ronen from the kingdom of Akshara had a massive horse field. The guard's horse couldn't help but say hello to the other horse no matter how much the guard tried to pull the horse away. The horse was just stronger than him. The guard successfully got the horse back on track but it was already night time. The guard sighed and promised to never do this again. Though he did not know about the kingdom of Ronen and its beauty that he had not acknowledged yet.


The fifth guard came upon the kingdom known best for their singing and dancing. The kingdom of Ronen. They had an extreme variety of instruments, singers, and dancers. They had a lot of traditions as well.

When the guard approached the kingdom, there were no walls that surrounded the kingdom like the other kingdoms. The guard wondered why this was. However, he had to get back to his job.

Kingdom guards were walking around. They seemed to not worry about the fifth guard though. That confused the fifth guard.

As the fifth guard walked into the king's throne, he saw both a king and a queen that sat together on their throne. They seemed happy. Now that the fifth guard thought about it, the whole kingdom seemed pretty happy.

"Your Highnesses." The fifth guard said.

Since the fifth guard was addressing both the king and the queen, he had to go slightly off script.

"Hello, great weather outside?" The king of Ronen said.

The breeze came through the throne room. The fifth guard looked around. The thick and long windows were not covered by glass. The windows were not covered by anything. The throne was built so that the wind could come through. Though on top of the windows, there was a cloth that was rolled up. Supposedly, they would unroll it once the rain came.

"Yes, Your Highness, but there are serious matters that I must discuss with you." The fifth guard said.

"That is?" The king asked.

"The kingdom of Akshara could use your help in defeating the kingdom and king of Okemia."

The king kept his smile. Though it was a serious conversation, he smiled to assure his people that everything was well. To assure that the kingdom is free and everyone is safe.

"How can-" The king cut himself off.

He was at a loss for words. His kingdom had barely gone to war before but he remembered that his kingdom did prepare for an emergency.

"I will send a letter to the king." The king said.

"Are you sure?" The queen said.

She too knew of the lack of experience their soldiers had.

"We have our dancers."

The queen understood his words while the fifth guard did not. He wondered how dancers could help on the battlefield but he went with it.

Once the king had finished writing his letter, the fifth guard took the letter and walked out of the castle. When the guard walked out he heard festival music playing from afar. The guard walked towards the noise.

When the guard finally reached his destination, he saw people dancing around and singing to the music that came from the many instruments that were playing. Everyone seemed so happy and free.

Everyone started dancing in a circle. They repeated their movements. The fifth guard smiled at how much fun everyone was having.

"Join us." A woman had said suddenly.

"Oh I can't." The fifth guard said.

"Sure you can."

The woman grabbed the guard's wrist and pulled him into the circle. The woman started to follow everyone's dance. The guard felt he had no other choice but to join her.

He didn't hate it though. He enjoyed the time he spent there because once the time came to start his journey back to the kingdom of Akshara, all he could think about was how fun and free everyone was in the kingdom of Ronen. He wishes to go back and thank that woman for showing him a good time during such a hard time for the world. Then he got back to his working mindset. Worried for the sake of his kingdom. 

Word count: 749

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