Chapter 12: Punishment

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"It's quiet tonight." An Oni guard said.

"It is," Another said. "Too quiet."

With the slight feeling that somebody was behind them along with a feeling that somebody was breathing down their neck, suddenly, they kicked the guard down. The guard got up quickly and turned around. It was none other than Akashi.

"Let me through," Akashi said.

She'd kicked down the guard because she knew if she didn't he'd have the upper hand. She didn't want to get imprisoned.

"You know I don't have a choice." The guard said.

The other guard rushed towards Akashi. Akashi drew her sword and lined it out in front of the guard.

"Stay back," Akashi said.

The guard stopped. He drew out his sword as well. The disadvantage of this fight was the fact that it was nighttime. It was hard to see.

"Leave now and I will let you go. Choose to disobey and I will have to bring you in." The guard said.

"I must kill the king," Akashi said.

"I don't want to be a slave." The guard said.

"You already are. "Akashi said.

The guard got angry. He charged at Akashi with his sword. He wound the sword back and aimed for Akashi's head. Akashi blocked this by holding up the sword inched from her head. It was far enough for the recoil of the swords hitting each other to not hit Akashi. Close enough to make the guard think he had the upper hand.

Akashi pushed the guard's sword up by using hers and wound back her sword to aim for his stomach. The guard quickly reacted and stepped back enough for the sword to not hit him. He held his sword at Akashi as he positioned his feet and so did Akashi.

She must have forgotten about the other guard because somebody behind her tackled her down.

The next thing Akashi knew, she had her wrists in chains and was being led to the castle to meet the king. The sun was rising behind her to give a beautiful bright orange and yellow sky. Once upon a time Akashi would sit and stare at its beauty but her blood flew with bad omen. She was sure to never see the light of day again.

Akashi and the guards walked onto the king's throne. He sat there. With the happiest expression on his face. Akashi's anger could not be expressed in simple words. All she felt was hate.

The guards, unwillingly, pushed Akashi down to her knees. The Oni, who'd been thought to become the next king, were down on their knees in front of another king. With that happy expression planted on the king, he'd spoken.

"The so confident Oni that had escaped my grip, walks back on my kingdom."

Akashi's good omen was adrift.

"You come back to ask for forgiveness I presume?"

"I came back to kill you and bring freedom to not only the Oni but the humans you've made us curse."

The king smiled at this news. He knew he defeated Akshara but to find out that his Oni cursed the subjects of Akshara was his real enjoyment.

"How do you plan to do this?"

Akashi fell silent. He was right. She didn't have a plan for killing him. She'd been so full of rage that she didn't see the situation that she was actually in. She was thankful that she came back to her senses but it was the wrong time. She was already in the hands of the king. She had no chance but to give up. She refrained from responding to the king by admitting defeat.

The king saw this and concluded her fate.

"Send her to the chambers where she will live the rest of her life."

The guards led Akashi to their jail and as they walked away from the king, he spoke again.

"Be glad that I did not punish you with the death sentence. Foolish Oni."

With that, the doors to the king's throne closed behind the guards and Akashi. The guards threw Akashi in their jail cell.

She was locked up by guards. She tried to get back at them by swinging straight at them but they'd closed the bar doors before she got the chance. She held onto the bars and her hands started to burn. Then she noticed a cross that was built onto the bars. This prison in the castle was made strictly for the Oni.

She could not touch the bars. The guards snickered and walked off.

Akashi had never felt so much hate in her. 

Word count: 768

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