Chapter 6: Keomi, the Tour Guide

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The morning was once again filled with misfortune, and Akashi could tell. As she walked out of the room, she saw guards, maids, butlers, and all the other castle staff running around the place. Akashi went back to her room to get dressed and ready. She made sure to grab her bag this time. She then went out to search for Amilia so she could ask her what was going on. When Amilia found her first.

"Akashi, come quick, we must send you off," Amilia spoke to Akashi.

"What's going on?" Akashi asked.

"I will explain on the way," Amilia said.

They ran off out of the castle where thousands of guards were seen running out of the kingdom's doors. Amilia took Akashi to the horse stable where Shinrai, Akashi's horse, was to be found. Akashi took her horse out of the stable and they ran off to the other side of the kingdom.

As they jogged to the other side of the kingdom, Amilia spoke. "The Oni are here to take over our land and kingdom. There is a war now. I'm worried that you will get hurt, so you must leave."

They got to the doors that led to the outside of the kingdom. An escape route.

"What about you, though?" Akashi asked Amilia.

"Do not worry, I have guards to keep me safe. I can not leave because this is also my kingdom and if my kingdom falls, I fall with it. This is the burden I carry as the queen." Amilia said.

"I will return," Akashi said.

"I'm holding you up on that Akashi," Amilia said.

Akashi went through the door and out of the kingdom. She headed Southeast to where some villages were. She wasn't truly thinking about where she was going, so long as she wasn't caught up with the kingdom Okemia.

Amilia loved Akashi for who she was. A brave person who believed. What Akashi didn't know was that Amilia was a very smart person. The whole reason Amilia had escorted Akashi out of the kingdom was because she knew. She knew about Akashi's secret. Talking about Oni's was forbidden in the kingdom of Akshara. Unless an Oni was spotted in or outside the kingdom. So when Akashi asked about Oni, she knew that Akashi had lied to her. Rather than locking her up, she let Akashi go. Trusting that Akashi had the power to change the world.

With the food and other equipment that she had, she could survive until she got to a village. Just so long as she doesn't get caught by the Oni.

For nearly a week, Akashi and her horse traveled in search of a village. She had lasted with her horse for half of that week till she had reached the sea. There stood the same dock that she had seen last when she arrived. She had to say goodbye to her horse. He would be united with his family once again in the horse field that she'd first found him in.

With the sobs of goodbyes that Akashi had for him, he ran off. lekking his freedom yet knowing that he enjoyed the time he served the lovely Oni. Yes, he did know that Akashi was an Oni. Though can a horse talk?

A ship had been boarding and leaving for another island. An island. Akashi came from an island. There lived a village that Akashi decided to visit while being there. She looked at a map on the right of the entrance of the dock.

"Althea," She read out loud.

She hadn't seen someone next to her but someone was there.

"Is that where you're headed?" A young man spoke.

Akashi flinched when she heard the man's voice. She looked at the man. He smiled at Akashi.

"Yeah, that's uh, where I'm from," Akashi said.

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