Chapter 17: The Kingdom of Luna

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The kingdom of Luna was around the fourth kingdom to receive word about the war against Okemia. Though the kingdom actually received word about the same time as the kingdom of Luz. This was because the fourth guard had stuck with the third guard. Since the kingdom of Luz and the kingdom of Luna were right next to each other (Behind or west the kingdom of Akshara), the guards were allowed to travel together. Once the issue was resolved the fourth guard and third guard continued together until it was time for them to split and go to their assigned kingdoms. The guard was excited to enter this kingdom.

She had heard rumors of the kingdom.

The fourth guard came upon the kingdom known for blocking the sun. There was a ceiling over the whole kingdom. They had tons of lamps surrounding the kingdom. It was very calming for the people. It made the people feel safe. When night came, they would lower the ceiling to reveal the moon and stars.

The kingdom of Luna was very popular for tourists thanks to their odd way of living. People would come to see all the stars and see how people live their everyday lives hiding from the sun.

Everyone's skin in the kingdom was very light. Nobody had a tan and nobody had freckles. In the other kingdoms, there would be lots of people with freckles. So it was very rare to see someone with freckles. This made the guard stand out. The fourth guard had a large amount of freckles. The king did not send out this guard with freckles to the kingdom of Luna on purpose so it was simply a coincidence.

Though the guard knew that she was only there for work, she was very excited to see the amazing kingdom that everyone talked about.

Once she got to the gates, she looked inside and saw how dark it was there. The guards at the front gate had to warn the fourth guard of something.

"When you get inside, it might take a few moments for your eyes to adjust. So I suggest you stand aside for a minute or two before continuing." The guard at the front gate said.

The fourth guard understood and entered. Just as the guard had said, the fourth guard's eyes felt blinded. She could barely see anything. She stood to the side to let people pass and she waited two minutes before moving again.

As she was walking, she saw all those lamps filled with fire that everyone had talked about. It was also true that the kingdom of Luna was meant to calm the soul because, for a second, she almost forgot that she had a job.

She walked into the king's throne, as the other guards in the other kingdoms did. She said the same thing as they did as well.

"Your Highness."

The guard bowed, expecting to see a great king upon her. However, it was not a king upon her. It was a queen. A queen ruled the kingdom of Luna on her own.

Though the kingdom of Luna was also partly known for having an amazing setting for dates, making it easier to find love, the queen herself could not find love. The calming setting of the kingdom did not make a strong and wise king enough to rule. This meant that the queen would have to make decisions on her own.

The people of Luna did not complain though. They loved their queen and the queen loved her people. That is all that they needed.

"Guard of Akshara, what is it you want?" The queen asked.

The queen recognized the guard uniform from her visit to the kingdom of Akshara.

"I've come here to tell you that the king of Akshara asks for your help in defeating the king of Okemia." The fourth guard said.

"Our kingdom is not advanced enough in weaponry but I'd be glad to supply the soldiers with food and shelter during the battle."

The queen asked a guard with good handwriting to write a letter for her. So the fourth guard took the letter as it finished and walked down the road to leave the kingdom. She smelt amazing smells from shops cooking and baking yummy food. The kingdom was big on trading food so it was common to smell something nice every once in a while. When the guard exited the front gates, she set out on her journey back to the kingdom of Akshara.

Word count: 756

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