Chapter 19: The Kingdom of Rupert

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The kingdom of Rupert was the sixth kingdom to receive word of the war against Okemia. The kingdom of Rupert was south-east of the kingdom of Akshara. The closest kingdom to the kingdom of Okemia. Though the kingdom of Rupert was not that far from the kingdom of Akshara and the guard was supposed to arrive earlier, the guard decided that it would be alright if he took his time before he entered this kingdom. He was too scared to go into this kingdom and he was right for thinking so.

He was right.

The sixth guard came upon the kingdom known best for their hotheaded people. Rumors had it that the bad omen from Oni spread throughout their kingdom and caused everyone to act just like the Oni. Though most people knew that bad omen doesn't work like that. Bad omen just means that you have bad luck, not a thirst for war and blood like the Oni. The soldiers, guards, and knights of Rupert all loved causing problems throughout the world. It was quite the opposite of the kingdom of Luz and the kingdom of Ronen. Those two kingdoms had nothing to do with war.

The sixth guard was quite scared of this kingdom. So once he got up to the front gates of the kingdom, he realized how much his legs trembled. The front gate guards of the kingdom looked at the poor guards' shivering legs and laughed. They even pointed. It frustrated the guard but he did not want to fight. He started to see why there were rumors about the kingdom picking fights. They did love making people angry.

The guard paid no more mind to the laughing and pointing guards and simply slipped past them. They had no idea since they just kept laughing and laughing, falling to the floor in tears.

The sixth guard walked down the road to the castle. There were lots and lots of lamps with fire that lit the road ahead. The guard, still with his shivering feat, looked side by side at the commoners who walked, talked, and worked. They all did that while staring at him. He saw people whispering as well. A blacksmith was sharpening a sword with a rock while staring at him. The blacksmith started to run through the sword with the rock more harshly as he frowned at the guard. The sixth guard gulped and continued to walk.

Finally, the guard had made it to the castle. He entered the king's throne to see a king with a scarred face. There was a scar that sort of hung over the king's eyebrow and eye, but it was not the scarred face that was being mentioned. His face was scarred with a mean look. The amount of anger he has faced over the years was shown on his face. His face was stuck with a mean look. That made the guard shiver all over instead of just his feat.

"Speak now or never." The king said impatiently.

"T-the..." The sixth guard started nervously.

He could barely talk but he still needed to do his job. He took a deep breath and tried to think positively. Once he had a better mindset, he tried to talk again.

"Y-your Highness."

"Get on with it." The king demanded.

"The king of Akshara asks for your help in defeating the king of Okemia."


The king was impatient but intrigued as well. The sound of war was a melody that he loved. The smell of blood he loved. You could say he'd be considered worse than an Oni, but he just wanted power. Rather than an Oni that just follows orders, he had a goal. He wanted to claim the kingdom of Okemia in return for helping but would the king of Akshara allow that? No, he would not, all the kingdoms want something out of this as well. They want their fair share.

So he had a plan. A plan that he would not share just yet.

"Prepare me a letter." The king of Rupert said.

A guard ran off to get a feather with ink. The way they would write back then. The guard brought with him something to write on. He waited for the king to tell him the letter.

"Dear king of Akshara," The king began. "I will help you with the war against the kingdom of Okemia, but I want my fair share in the reward if there are other kingdoms also helping in this war. We can discuss the terms after the war."

The guard had written every word that the king had said. He finished it off by signing the king of Rupert's signature.

The sixth guard took the letter and ran out of the kingdom as soon as he could. He feared the king even more after that encounter. He also wondered what those rewards after the war were about. Probably something horrible. That king was up to no good. 

Word count: 833

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