Author's Note

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"If you could just accept everyone as an equal, you'd be harmonious." - Savyon Feldman

This quote was made by me, the author. Halfway through this book, towards chapter 10 I'd come upon these words. 'If you could just accept everyone as an equal' If you could choose not to be prejudiced then you'd have fewer problems. You're hurting others when you're prejudiced. The king of Okemia, who wasn't an Oni, but a human, hated his kind because of their opinions and ideas. He'd hurt the people who hated or were feared by the Oni. The king of Akshara hated the Oni, but he did not know about the Oni being slaves and weapons for war.

The biggest example of this was the chief of Althea. He feared Akashi because she was an Oni even when he knew what type of person Akashi was. It hurt Akashi's feelings and at that moment she hated being an Oni.

'You'd be harmonious', is probably my favorite part of this quote. The definition of Harmonious is peace. Without hate what is left? Peace. Harmoniousness.

At first, this book was named "The Oni of Peace". The quote was supposed to be the whole meaning of the title itself but then the idea came. The idea was that there would be different eras in which this story had. Layers, you could say.

In chapter 1 you can see that the story starts with the first era. The era where humans discovered Onis. You can also see in this era that the Oni made a deal with the humans. Then the second era starts, where the humans break their part of the deal and use the Oni as a weapon for war. This is the era that is played out for the whole book until Akashi comes along and changes that.

I'd never expected that after only months of working on this book, I'd come to finish it. During the first few chapters, I'd lost the motivation to write. I didn't think anyone would read it so what was the point? I changed that when I decided to put aside the other book ideas I had and focus on the book I was already pretty far with.

This was my first ever finished book as well. So many different endings and ideas would come through my head as I wrote the book. So instead of creating a good ending for only Akashi, the main character, as in every other story, I ended the book where everyone had a positive ending while creating an ending for a possible second book. The ex-king of Okemia stepped into the kingdom of Rupert and teamed up with their king. What could happen?

As of right now, I'm 15. Turning 16. It was bad but, still, I wrote during my time in school. I'm not the best student but I had a goal. Finish my book, and show the people I love that I am somebody. I hope my friends and family read my book and get inspired by it as I expect others to as they read this book.

Chapters 14 through 19 were meant to add words to the story but it became more than just words. I realize that now. Each kingdom added another layer to the story. It added more feeling to the story. Those kingdoms with their traditions, history, and religion became the skin of the book. Akashi's journey was the backbone. The people along the way were the flesh and the places in the book were the blood. It created a complete book.

I want people to learn from Akashi. She might have been impulsive and a nervous wreck but she had a goal to change the world. She wanted to make a world of peace. I hope that the people who read this book can treat the world with a little bit more peace and kindness. 

Word count: 654

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