Chapter 15: The Kingdom of Tsiyi

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The kingdom of Tsiyi was the second kingdom to receive word of the war against the kingdom of Okemia. The journey to Tsiyi was on another island so the guard that had traveled to the kingdom came from port Luna-luz to port Tsiyi on a boat. Then walked to the kingdom.

He still felt sea sick from the boat.

The second guard had made it to the water kingdom. The kingdom is known for living so close to the water. Their coastal guards were the strongest. Nothing could get them from the ocean. The kingdom of Tsiyi was also known for owning tons and tons of guns. They did not use weapons like swords or spears. However, the guard was not looking for a fight, he, like the other guard, needed help from the kingdom.

The sky was clear, the breeze was nice and cool, and the grass was nice and green.

Once the guard came upon the steel walls of the kingdom, the guards of Tsiyi were automatically on alert. They searched for others that went along with the single guard. Once they found nobody else, they became lenient about him. So they let the guard in.

This kingdom had more visitors than most kingdoms so once the commoners of the kingdom saw the guard, they weren't as curious. Though they wondered why the guard of Akshara was there. He was very far from home.

Once the guard came upon the king of Tsiyi's throne, he saw the king. He was much larger than other kings. He was feasting on a chicken leg when the guard bowed to him. The guard waited for the king to finish his leg before he talked.

"Your Highness." The guard said.

The guards were ordered to say the same things. So he repeated the first guard.

The king awaited the guard to continue.

"The king of Akshara asks for your help." The guard continued.

"With what?" The king asked.

"In defeating the kingdom of Okemia."

The king of Tsiyi was confident. He had defended his kingdom against Okemia once before. He knew he could do it again. His steel walls kept the Oni from climbing their walls, the heavy armory they had kept the Oni from getting a hit out of them, and their large number of men scared away the Oni. The kingdom of Tsiyi was the first and only kingdom to have successfully defended itself against the kingdom of Okemia.

Although the kingdom of Tsiyi had an amazing defense system, they were not so good at attacking. This, however, did not stop the king from wanting revenge in the attempt to defeat them. It was a great offense to the kingdom of Tsiyi for the kingdom of Okemia to think of their defenses so lowly to the point where they only brought a few Oni to the war against them. The king of Okemia's ignorance cost them a win, though. So it was alright in the end.

The whole reason that the king of Tsiyi had agreed was because he had a love for war. He simply wanted to enhance his pride.

The king wrote a short and simple letter as the guard stood there. The king of Tsiyi, unlike the king of Aayla, did not offer the guard to stay the night, so the guard went on his way back to Akshara immediately.

Though the kingdom of Tsiyi was on high defense, it did not stop the commoners from having fun. The people of Tsiyi had water surrounding them so the kingdom had lots of boats and canoes. Fishing and swimming were very common in this kingdom. It would be nice to go for a swim sometime in this kingdom.

This kingdom had no religion but they did have stories. They had stories of sea monsters swimming in their ocean. However, the guard thought it to be just a story to scare the kids. They would not let commoners swim in the ocean if they knew of a monster swimming upon them. Unless the king didn't care for his subjects as much as he seemed to. The king seemed to only care for his guards and warriors. A king who truly only cared for war.

However, it seemed it paid off since the kingdom was so rich in goods. 

Word count: 719

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