Chapter 16: The Kingdom of Luz

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The kingdom of Luz was the third kingdom to receive word of the war against Okemia. It was not long after the kingdom of Tsiyi. The kingdom of Luz was actually closer than the kingdom of Tsiyi but the guard had some problems on the way. The horse had not been fed before he left. He could tell by the way the horse stubbornly refused to move anymore. The guard had to stop by a village on the way for an apple. After that he continued his way to the kingdom of Luz.

He had heard rumors of this kingdom.

The third guard came to the kingdom known to be highly religious. This was one of the most critical kingdoms to the international fight against the kingdom of Okemia. This was the kingdom of Okemia's sworn enemy.

The kingdom of Luz believes that anything to do with demons is bad. Which is what children all over the world are taught. Their religion and beliefs are spread throughout the world. The kingdom of Luz bans anyone from entering if they believe that demons can be kind. The nuns in this kingdom can tell if you are a believer or not. That is how they decide who is allowed in and who is not allowed.

The third guard, who was now approaching the front gates to the kingdom, once believed that Oni could be nice. He believed that the kindness of humans could change the minds of Oni. Though, after the attack on the kingdom of Akshara, his homeland, he doubted his beliefs. With that, he could be allowed to enter the kingdom of Luz.

The nuns at the front gate allowed the guard in as he expected. He walked down the road to the castle as all the commoners of the kingdom wore a cross around their necks, wrists, earrings, and other places. They wore crosses wherever they could. They were very dedicated to god.

Once the guard got to the king's throne, he saw the king, in an all-white outfit with his white hair. Everywhere you looked, it was themed white. Everywhere you looked, everyone wore white. The guard was thankful to be born in the kingdom of Akshara, where you can wear anything you want, you can act any way you want and believe in anything you want. The kingdom where freedom was truly expressed.

"Your Highness." The guard spoke.

He'd repeated what the first and second guards had said. This was because, like the other guards, he was supposed to.

"Hello child, what is it you are asking for?" The king of Luz asked.

The king was privileged. He thought of himself as the god that they all believed and followed. Such a big ego.

"The king of Akshara asks for your help." The guard said.

"Does he need our prayers?"

"He needs your support in the battle against the kingdom of Akshara."

The king thought for a little. He had to keep up his reputation as the wise king who was most connected to their god. He thought of an immediate response.

"We will not be helping on the battlefield, but for any injured soldiers, we can support. That is if you allow us to trade with you."

The king of Luz and the king of Akshara have been arguing about trading conditions for a while before this. The king of Akshara does not want to force religion on his people while the king of Luz wants to be praised and worshiped by the whole world. In other terms, the king of Luz wanted to rule the whole world through religion.

"I will write a letter to the king of Akshara." The king said.

So the king, right there and then spoke what would be on the letter. A man wrote as the king spoke. The man's handwriting had the guard in awe. He could never write as well as this man did.

With that, the guard was handed the letter and so he left to return to the kingdom of Akshara. Although he was invited to stay longer in the kingdom, he could not bear another second in the highly religious kingdom. 

Word count: 697

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