Chapter 19

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Marshall's POV

I hear someone knocking on my side of the window.

My head shoots up, away from Adina's neck before I look behind me.

Is that....?

Adina slaps my hands away from her. windows is barely tinted, yo... I shoulda thought about that before doin' what I did.

I reach for the window crank to roll the window down but Adina starts panicking, slapping me.

"No, no, no. Don't!" She whisper/yells.

"Why?!" I do the same as her.

"My fuckin' dad don't like you, yo!"

"What? Why the fuck not?!" My eyebrows draw together.

"Do you not remember how yall met, Marshall?!"

Oh... shit.. right..

But no fuckin' way he still remembers that shit... even if he does why would he still be mad.

"Adina, he prolly don't even remember, chill out." I shrug.

"Oh, I promise you he does."

I shake my head, rolling my eyes before reaching for the window crank to roll down the window.

"No, no, no! Marshall- please-" She begs but once she realizes she isn't stopping me, she just grumbles.


Her dad cuts me off.

"Ay! You dat nigga that was disrespectin' my daughter!... What the fuck is you doin' in front of my house?!" Adina's dad hollers...

"Dawg, I-"

"Hell naw! What the fuck is you doin' here! And where the hell is my baby? I ain't seen her all night and mornin'! Did yo crazy white ass do some shit?!"

"What- No! Yo-"

This mothafucka keeps cuttin' me off.

"You got a lot of fuckin' nerve comin' to my house, white boy. You really fuckin' do... matter of fact...Get out the car, yo!" He angrily rants.

"Huh? No! For what?!-"

"Get out the car before I snatch you out that mothafucka-"

"Daddy! Daddy! Chill out!" Adina leans forward revealing herself to her father.

"B- baby?... what are you doin' in the car with him?!" His facial expressions soften, but he still sounds angry.

"Daddy, he was just givin' me a ride. Okay? Everythang is alright."

"Where was you at all night last night?! Me and ya mama was worried sick, baby!"

"Uhm...I.. I-"

"She was at Deshaun's all night, she didn't have her car with her and Deshaun was knocked out so I just decided I could help and get her home. That's all." I speak nonchalantly.

"Dina, is this true?"

"Uh huh." She nods, giving a tight lipped smile.

Adinas dad looks around taking a deep breath.

"Well...Thank you, son. For gettin' my daughter home. I guess. But Dina Baby, you could have at least called me and let me know what was goin' on. I could have helped you."

"I know, I knowww. Please just forgive me, daddy. I ain't gon' let it happen again." She begs.

"Aight.. yeah.. as long as you're okay. Me and ya Ma thought somethin' terrible happened."

Somethin' terrible was finna happen if I wasn't at that party last night... Jesus Christ.

Ion even know if I should let Adina know about if or not... she seem like she don't remember a damn thing from last night, whatsoever....

I can't believe how wrong shit could have went if no one would have helped my girl...

I mean.. not my girl.. I just- man ion know what the fuck we are.

The fight we just had was like... the biggest fight we've ever had...

And I ain't wanna tell her about what happened in the bathroom cause I didn't wanna make it seem like I was tryna be a hero or some shit and shove it in her face so she could feel bad and forgive me and praise me and what not... I'd never do that to Dina. Especially when it comes to somethin' like that.... She could have gone through so much shit... man...

I was up all night thinkin' about what would have happened if I ain't go to that party.. cause I almost didn't...

"No, nothin bad happened, pop's. I just stayed up all night on Deshaun's console, that's why I look like this." She refers to how hungover she looks blaming it on the fact she was up all night "at Deshaun's crib"

"Aight, then...I still don't want you around this white boy... he ain't no good." Her father shakes his head, walking around the car to Adina's side.

Damn, aight.

Adina gets out of the car, looking back at me and mouthing 'thank you'.

"Yes, daddy. I'm sorry." She walks with her dad back inside...

....ion even know what to say.

I think I stayed in her father's parkin lot for another good 10 minutes after Adina left.

So much shit just happened.

I thought I was finna get my ass beat by Adina father.

I really did, that mothafucka was goin' ballistic.

And then Adina just left... what happens next?..

Like.. are we gonna see eachother again?.. I'm so confused right now...

Does she even like me?.. I mean we kissed.. for a while.

But what if I was forcin it on her.. I didn't mean to.

And oh my fuckin' god, yo...

That kiss was so much different than the other ones we had.... It was like we was the only two people in the world at that moment. It felt so good to kiss her again.

I swear to god.. I ain't ever wanted to kiss a girl so damn bad in my life before.. her lips is so intoxicatin' and somehow, some way, she got even better at kissing.

Everytime I kiss her it feels like I'm kissin' for the first time ever.

Kim ain't ever kissed me like that.

I can't believe I been so caught up on a girl I can't even have right now...


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