Chapter 46

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Marshall's POV

"Marshall, come the fuck on! What the hell are you doing?! My fuckin' water just broke!" Kim shouted at me as I scrambled to pack our maternity bag.

I could feel the panic rising in my chest as I fumbled with the clothes, barely awake, trying to stuff them into the bag. "I'm tryin, Kim! Just give me a damn minute!" I shot back, my voice strained with frustration.

She stood there, her hands clutching her swollen belly, tears streaming down her face. "We're never gonna make it in time at this rate," she sobbed, her voice trembling with fear.

I felt a surge of guilt wash over me as I realized how much pain she must be in. "I know, I know," I muttered, trying to ignore the sinking feeling in my stomach. "Just hold on, okay? We'll get you to the hospital."

But her yelling wouldn't quit.

"Kim, I'm doing the best I can," I snapped back, my hands shaking as I struggled to zip up the bag. "Just try to breathe, okay?"

She shot me a glare that could have frozen hell over. "Breathe? Are you kidding me, Marshall? I'm about to pop this baby out, and you're telling me to breathe?" Her voice cracked with a mixture of pain and frustration.

I winced, feeling the weight of her words like a punch to the gut. "I'm sorry, aight? Let's just get to the car." I grabbed the bag and practically threw it over my shoulder before heading out the door, Kim trailing behind me, her had grasped onto mine as her face contorted with agony.

But as we made our way into the car, the tension between us only seemed to grow. Kim was yelling at me to hurry up, cursing and screaming with each contraction. And all I could do was grit my teeth and try to keep my cool as I fumbled with the keys. Her emotions were all over the place, and I couldn't blame her. But I couldn't help but feel relieved that she'd be going into labor already...these past 9 months, she's been giving me absolute hell. It's been the most exhausting and excruciating 9 months of my life. But I don't wanna sound self observed... Kim is the one pregnant.

Once we were finally on the road, the stress only intensified. I was driving way too fast, weaving in and out of traffic, desperate to get her to the hospital on time. But with each passing minute, it felt like time was slipping away from us.

And then, just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, Kim broke down completely. She was sobbing uncontrollably, clutching onto me for dear life as I tried to focus on the road ahead.

The drive to the hospital was a blur of honking horns, screeching tires, and Kim's agonized cries piercing through the chaos. Every red light felt like an eternity, and I cursed under my breath with each passing second.

When we finally pulled up to the hospital entrance, I practically leaped out of the car, sprinting to Kim's side as she struggled to get out. "Come on, Kim, we're here," I urged, trying to keep my voice steady despite the panic clawing at my throat.

But Kim wasn't listening. She was doubled over in pain, clutching her stomach as another contraction ripped through her body. "Fuck, Marshall, I can't do this," she gasped, her face contorted in agony.

I wrapped my arm around her, guiding her towards the hospital doors as she stumbled along beside me. "Yes, you can," I insisted, my heart pounding in my chest. "Just focus on breathing, okay? We're almost there."

As we burst through the doors of the hospital, I spotted the reception desk and rushed over, my heart pounding in my chest. "My girlfriend's water just broke," I blurted out to the startled receptionist, my voice trembling with urgency.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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