Chapter 30

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Break down
Marshall's POV

"Yo." Deshaun jutted his chin out towards me with a plain expression on his face.

"Yo." I did the same, my expression looking slightly mournful.

I'm at his house to pick up my clothes, hygiene shit, or just anything that belongs to me that's here. He finally called and told me to come...

"You been aight?" I awkwardly asked as Deshaun let me inside.

Me and Deshaun ain't ever been like this, yo. And of course I still feel bad, dawg...Deshaun is my best friend and he one of them dudes that just never seem to be upset, he's always crackin' jokes, always tryna make other people feel better...So it's just weird, yo.

"I been straight." Deshaun simply responded, closing the door. "I already got all ya shit in them boxes right there." He pointed behind, me his voice slightly slurry... maybe he just woke up from a nap or somethin'.

I brushed it off.

"Oh, shit," I turned around heading towards them, "'Preciate it." Rummaging through em to make sure everything is in there.

The atmosphere is hella awkward right now...but immediately Mama P comes to mind. I definitely need to ask about her.

"How ya mama been, D?" I tried to make conversation.

Deshaun sighed.

"...Whats up?" I spoke encouraging him to say what he has to.

"Noth- nothin', dawg. It's all good, yo." He shook his head, his voice once again slurring ever so slightly, prompting me to give him a slightly perplexed look. Nevertheless, I attribute it to him probably just waking up from a nap.

I could tell somethin' was up...Did somethin' happen to Mama P?

"Nuh uh, Doody...Lemme know."

He sighed once again. "...Uh... The cancer...that my mama been havin... it keeps spreadin', yo... and...she-...she just ain't gettin' no better, Doody. Everythang just keeps gettin' worse. I-.." Deshaun shook his head. "Ion think she gon' make it, M-"

"Ay, don't say that-"

"How the fuck could I not?? Nothin's been gettin' better, yo. These damn medical bills is outrageous and none of this medicine is doin' shit for her. Everythang is just...plummetin', dawg." Deshaun's voice cracked.

...Is he finna cry?


I ain't ever seen Deshaun cry... not a damn time in my life... like I said, he's the one that usually makes other people feel better when they ain't feelin' well... Doody is never the one not feelin' well. Or at least he doesn't show it.

So it fuckin hurts seein' Deshaun on the verge of tears right in front of me, dawg. This is wild... and heartbreakin'....

This is my homie, yo...

I can't imagine what he's going through with all of this shit. His mama was his first best friend. I've always admired the relationship he had with his mama because I never got to experience any of that with mine. But Mama P was definitely a help with that. When I'd be around her, she'd treat me just like her own, even though she really didn't know me. She knew me and Deshaun had a close bond.

"This is my mama, dawg..." Deshaun sat down on the couch, rubbin' his forehead as he visibly tried holding back tears. "I ain't ever thought I was gon' lose her-"

"Doody, don't speak like that-"

"Yo, it's obvious! My mama ain't gon' be here for much longer, M! And I wish I could do somethin' about this shit but I can't, yo... I can't save my mama, dawg.." Tears finally fall down his face. "I can't save my mama." His voice croaked.

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