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I woke up the next day with dread filling me the second I woke up.

I was going to have to face Avah and her group, god I hate life. I walked downstairs to the kitchen, my parents were back.

I went to say hi but then I remembered, they don't care. They leave me and ignore me when they get back.

I'm a void, a shell of somewhere a person used to live. I walked back upstairs and sat in my bed, and out on some music, ' Heaven' By Take Care came on making me smile.

This song always reminded me of my friendship group, I was so thankful for them. I don't think I could live if I didn't have them, they were my life, my soul, and they made me feel like I have a purpose on this earth.

"ROSE! YOU'RE AWAKE!" Maria exclaimed, bursting through my bedroom door running over to my bed and hugging me.

"I have to tell you something!" She said energetically, she was always really energetic which always boosted my mood.

"Hey, what's up?" She asked, her smile dropping.

"Paul and Maddie are back" I groaned putting my head into my pillow.

"Ugh, assholes. Why can't my parents just adopt you?" She huffed, walking over to my wardrobe.

"I've been asking myself the same question for 6 years" I responded, laughing slightly.

Maria pulled out my ', The Cure' band tee and my flared jeans with my leather jacket.

"Your outfit! I picked it because guess what today is?" She teased throwing them to me.

"What is today?" I questioned, confused.
"Meet your best friend girlfriend day" She replied flatly making my mouth open with absolute shock.

"YOU GOT A GIRLFRIEND? WHO??" I asked frantically. I wasn't surprised since Maria was pretty and skinny, she always has been.

"Her name is Naomi, she's pretty cool" She smiled as I jumped up and hugged her.

"I'm so happy for you" I lied, I wanted to be happy for her but I just couldn't, Why couldn't  I be normal? Why can't I love?

"Enough of that you can meet her later, go! Get ready!" She insisted as she rushed me into my bathroom.

I did my usual, showered, brushed my teeth and hair, did my makeup, and got dressed. I walked out of my bathroom and looked in my full-body mirror.

I looked fat.

"Stop looking at yourself! You may be beautiful and all that but we're gonna be late and Jasper is gonna eat the car if we don't hurry up, we're going for Mcdonalds for food" She joked as we walked downstairs and past my parents.

"Oh hello Maria! It's been so long!" They ran over to her and pulled her into a hug making me shoot them a dirty look.

"I guess your daughter doesn't get a hug or hello, thanks a lot, parenting of the year. Go fuck yourself" I spat, making their faces screw up with anger as me and Maria ran out of the door giggling.

"Dude! They're gonna kill you!" She exclaimed,

"Don't care!" I responded as we hopped into Jaspers's car, he looked at us both with confusion as my parents yanked open the front door and started running toward the car making him get more scared.

"DRIVE BITCH!" Maria yelled, as he hit the gas and we sped off.

"WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO?!" He asked frantically as we drove to the McDonalds.

"She told Maddie and Paul to go fuck themselves" Maria informed him making him laugh rather loudly.

"Good! They're pricks!" He giggled as we pulled up to the McDonald's, making me fill with dread, I have to eat.

We got out of the car and found a seat, we sat at a booth near a window, I went on my phone as Maria ordered, hoping she wouldn't ask.

And to my surprise, she didn't.

They waited about 5 minutes for their food and coffee to get here before it did, and then I noticed a third drink and a third McMuffin.

"I know what you usually get so I just ordered for you" Maria grinned, making me want to throw up, she wasted money on me for food I wouldn't even eat.

Eventually, I had to eat it, I wanted to cry as my stomach churned as it wasn't used to being full, there are so many calories in this.

I don't need to get any fatter, I'm already big enough. Thoughts ran through my head until Jasper spoke up.

"Are you guys done? We're gonna be late" We both nodded in response but I could barely breathe from the stomach ache I had.

We all stood up and for ready to go, while I swayed slightly.

"Dude, are you okay?" Maria asked as I pointed to her bag.

"You got any painkillers? My stomach is fucking killing me, dude." I groaned as she handed me 2 white pills and a bottle of water.

I took them, praying the food hadn't been digested fully so  I could throw it up when I got to school, I hated purging but I had no choice.

We all got in the car and started driving until we got to school, I immediately rushed to the bathroom once I said to them both.

I saw Johnnie on the way but I ignored him as I ran. I swung open the bathroom stall and stuck 3 fingers down my throat, making me gag.

It all came up making tears come to my eyes, I flushed the toilet washed my hands and took a piece of gum that I had in my pocket just in case.

I walked out of the bathroom to see Johnnie outside with a suspicious look on his face, his face dropped once he saw me.

"What?" I snapped walking past him to get to my first period, which was English.

"What was that, why could I hear you gagging?" He questioned, trying to keep up with me.

"I'm just sick, I have been for a while" I lie making him deadpan.

"You seemed fine yesterday," He said, as I walked into my classroom ignoring his attempt to talk to me.

I wasn't in the mood to be pissed right now

A/N: Chapter 5 is a wrap! Don't forget to vote, love you<3

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