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We woke up the next morning to thumping on my front door, since my mom worked early she wasn't there.

"Dude, who the hell is pounding on my door at 8:00 AM?!" I asked sluggishly as we both sat up in my bed.

"I don't know, debt collectors?" She said jokingly as I stood up, rubbed My eyes opened the door and headed downstairs with Roslyn following me.

The person behind the door continued to bang on it making me roll my eyes, how desperate for this asshole to get in?

"Coming! Jesus..." I shouted as we came to the bottom of the stairs and unlocked the door revealing Roslyn's parents.

She immediately hid behind the wall leading to my kitchen as I glanced at her with worried eyes, knowing who it was.

"Hi, you must be Johnnie, Roslyn's boyfriend." Her mother spoke, Johnnie went to protest but he was cut off. " No need to hide it, Maria told us everything"

Those words made his heart skip a beat, what did she mean, EVERYTHING? What if Maria had just been a sort of spy for her parents, I looked over to Roslyn to see tears in her eyes.

I looked back at her parents to see a smug grin on their faces, I wanted to slam the door in their faces.

"I don't know if you know but Roslyn hasn't been home for a few days, Maria told us she was here" Her dad spat coldly looking down on me as if I was scum.

I shot him a dirty look before speaking again.

"Well I don't know if YOU know, but she isn't here so I suggest you leave" I spat back making his face screw with anger, he went to say something else but I slammed the door in his face.

I immediately ran to Roslyn who was now crying and brought her into my arms, she cried before talking.

"I thought she was my friend" She croaked before wiping her tears away and hugging me tighter.

"Even after 14 years of friendship, You've been the only one who has been there" She admitted, I know it was the wrong timing but it made me smile, I love her, there is no denying it.

We stayed in that position for a while before she stood up abruptly, making me jump slightly.

"You know what, screw her. I can find a new best friend" She wiped her tears away, I knew she was still upset. She was trying to hide it from me but I knew.

"Rose you don't have to hide it from me, I know you're still heartbroken. Who knows? What your parents say mightn't have even been true, I don't think Maria would do that to you" I reassured, making her think for a second.

"You think so?" She asked making me nod and a smile spread across my face.

"Absolutely certain* I grinned, taking her hands into mine, they fit perfectly together, and her hands slid into mine like 2 puzzle pieces.

Even though we haven't known each other for long, it feels like years. Her arms wrapping around me caught me off guard. I was shocked for a second before hugging her back.

"Wanna do something to take your mind from it?" I questioned making her nod her head, I know she probably didn't want to face anyone so I thought of something indoors.

"What about... Watching a movie? We can binge watch like, ALL of the Tim Burton movies!" I suggested making her giggle,

"You're so cute when you are excited about something" She said making me blush. She called me cute.

She hid her pink face making me laugh.

"You start the movie, I'll make snacks!" I shouted making her stick her thumbs up.

I do love her.

A/N: Chapter 9!!! I hope you all have an amazing Christmas! I'm probably going to update on Christmas eve and on Christmas Day because I'm a very sad person but I hope you all enjoy it!

I also did my first Johnnie P.O.V so that's cool? Let me know if you want some more in the future!

Love you all and don't forget to vote<333

P.S- Thank you deathskxss for you're kind words on my chapters I appreciate it a lot as a small author<33

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