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The sun has set , all things has been considered , a concept where the mind ,body and soul connects , what was the name for it again I ask him , " It's love " he says sarcastically I wonder why Is he laughing about a four letter word so he tells me : " I know you, you're incapable of that " I have no explication for this word but I don't want an explanation , I spent my whole life looking for meaning of it but right now I don't want to figure it out , i just want to feel it , his touch ,his smile and his eyes , oh his eyes , these love struck sensual dreamy eyes that gives you the feeling of seeing your soul through someone's eyes , those cherry flavored conversations " Oh shut up" he tells me, am I over doing it I tell him, he nods

I mute his voice from my mind while telling him " as scary as it may sound and as heartless and emotionless I can be I feel peaceful and I wouldn't trade this feeling like the feeling you get when you find a perfect song and you play it on loop without ever getting bored from it , he looks at me and says

" Helpless romantic " 

Me , Myself and IWhere stories live. Discover now