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I tried D , I really tried this time , I tried to be the better man , be the "better version" as my therapist says , but he was wrong , I was nice to people , I was considerate to their so called emotions , I was not selfish but how did they repay me ? I opened up for a second , and the things I feared happend , my soul shattered around the place , they took my soul , and left me crying in my own bathtub , but we have all seen this before , this cycle , where i feel all sort of strong emotions that eventually ends up killing me

but I'm gonna put a pause on therapy for now because if I'm honest ,I don't want to feel , i don't want to be caught up in these mundane emotions , so i'll turn it off , with just a flick of a switch feel nothing at all , because at the end of the day , nothing really matters , if they see me as evil , then evil I shall be , the best way to not get your heart broken is to pretend that you don't have one. So I stop feeling and I live freely 

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