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She who gave me life once told me you are meant to be something in this world and she who gave me life once told me that everything in this life will eventually make sense , she who gave me life is my friend , my sister and most importantly my mother , in return of giving me life , she had to sacrifice her own , whilst the big bad wolf lies plotting for his revenge sinking his teeth in his victims , and most importantly draining her from her hopes and dreams.

If you ask me ,she who gave me life deserved a better story a narrative where she stands up for herself and most importantly finds joy as her story is portrayed as the victim who's obsessing for a better life for her and her children if I had the chance to tell her my own advice I would tell her Tonight, you shall sleep, and you will dream of a world far better than this one,a world where all people desire only to be loved

To my dear mother 

Me , Myself and IOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant