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"Your heart cannot suffer this much , you have to shut it down before your emotions consume you" he tells me

Why do I have to leave in a world where in order for me to survive I have to let go of the one thing that defines humans

" It had brought you nothing but pain , trusting people , loving them in reality you are miserable"

I gave all my love and my trust to people in plural , who don't even deserve a fraction of that , why has anyone I met in my life succeeded to stab me in the back

The wound that i have is fatal , I don't think I can recover from that , how evil and mean I should be to push away people

Trusting people is such a hardship , knowing one way or another one of them will turn on you , no matter what they say ,

" You are alone in this , and in order for your body not to feel the pain you have to turn it off , shut your emotions a while , live freely "

I could have sworn I would have take a bullet for these people , but now I would pull the trigger on them 

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