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Tomorrow is a new day , the sun will shine and the reality will set once again , I am scared , scared of the unknown , scared of not making it , but then again I am relieved , I am relieved at the thought that there is hope , but it's hard to hold on into that hope when you have lost faith in humanity , it's not everyday you hear " I have lost faith in humanity" because if I'm honest humans have been nothing but a reminder , a reminder of pain and misery , but then again I claim the throne of my dad so High , me and him share some traits , we are both angry at the world , we are both trying to figure out how to use our emotions and our hearts , loving any of us is a death sentence , everything we love turn to ash , and I hate it but he doesn't seem to care , I guess that' the only thing we differ in , I guess there's hope for me after all 

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