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Goodbyes are always the hardest , I wonder why ? It's a scary feeling , the heartache you feel when you pronounce the word Goodbye and it is sad because when you pronounce those words you'll be leaving people behind you , it's the process of letting go someone you loved so much and accepting the fact that they are gone , if you ask me I hate goodbyes , I hate everything that comes with goodbyes , the tears the screams , the feeling of your heart breaking into thousand of pieces that eventually with time they get lost and there's no point in puzzling them out , if you ask me

I hate goodbyes because all the memories that you made with that person stays with you while he leaves . I'm a liar that's what I realized when we said our goodbyes because I realized

That I love you so much that I owe it to you to let you go but I can't let you go , god knows how much I've tried to forget about you , now the only thing I have from you is the memories , god I wish I can delete them , god I wish I never knew you , but if I didn't meet you I wouldn't know what was the meaning of happiness , the meaning of feeling loved

I guess that ranks you as a mad man he tells me , I guess Yes

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