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All things have been considered those called friends turn into foes and foes turn into friends , new acquaintances have been made ,and older ones have been lost , the true definition of emptiness tasting the cold the void , I sat down feinding for a slight change of emotions but I couldn't he looked at me with much hatred and anger , I guess that's the only trait he and i share , I honestly hate life , I hate what life brings to me and I hate what life has taken from me, it took away my childhood , it took away every shred of hope and love I had and left me with a century year old of trauma , he knows that , he felt my pain ,he felt those small euphoric moments I had and he saw how quick life stole them for me ,

Your pain will fade away he says , he who said this is the same person who once made me believe that the best way to not get your heart broken is to pretend that you don't have one.

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