Chapter 36

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Several hours later I was ready to go. I was soaked to the bone from snow and I could barely feel my toes. I moved to huddle in a gazebo to sit and try and stay warm while watching the rest of the group have a snowball fight.
Cassie had just jumped on top of James back to tackle him to the ground. They were really cute together.
I definitely approved after watching them all afternoon. Tyler saw me sitting alone and came over.

He wrapped an arm around me. "How are you holding up, Little H?"


"You're a trooper for coming out."

"I needed to let off some steam anyways."

"You heard the piping hot tea from last night then, huh?"

I shuddered. "I'm surprised you already heard."

He laughed, "Brenna of all people told me. She put a picture of it in the band group chat, asking us if we knew who the girl was. I had no clue what her name was."

There were pictures of it? That made my skin crawl even more. The fact Tyler had met Darcy last night, not even for the first time, and couldn't remember her name did comfort me though.

"Darcy. Her name is Darcy."

"She was that little niner hanging around y'all last night right?"

I nodded wanting to punch something or cry. I wasn't sure which one.

"I think she and Miri are friends."

"He's a fucking idiot. That girl is way too thirsty for someone that age."

"True. But I have cross country with her so I'll have to see her tomorrow. And I don't even know what to say to Ari, if anything."

Tyler nuzzled his nose into my hair for a moment before saying, "I wouldn't worry about it too much Lex. He's obviously going through some shit right now but that's not your fault or your problem. You told me you aren't ready to date and I respect that. Give yourself some time to heal up a bit. I think it'll do you good."

So that's why he didn't make a move last night? I was surprised and yet pleased about that. Tyler was right though, I was in no place to rush into a new relationship. The fact he was looking out for me in that way just showed how much he valued me and our friendship over anything else he might be wanting at the moment.

He smiled, squeezed me, then got up and pulled me along with him. He called out to James, "Come on man, she's freezing. Let's get her home."

James stuck his tongue out but took Cassie's hand and led us all back to his truck. I snuggled as close as I could to Tyler to keep warm. The heater in the truck could not work fast enough for my taste.

Tyler just smiled and held me to him. James dropped me off at my house and I was surprised to see my dad's car in the driveway. When he wasn't working, he was still always gone. It felt more like I was living alone in this giant ass house most days.

I walked in and heard my name being called. I wondered what was wrong. He was sitting at the kitchen table with his laptop open and reading glasses on meaning he was still working even on a Sunday.

I rolled my eyes when he wasn't looking and said, "What's up Dad?"

"Hey stranger. I have to talk to you for a few minutes."

My heart started to panic, "Dad the last time you said that we switched countries."

He laughed, "No Lex, we are planted here. But I do have a business meeting in Dallas that I was able to plan out for when you are on Spring Break next month. I was wondering if you wanted to go with me and visit your sister? It would only be for a few days but I thought you might like that."

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