The Mines of Moria

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The gates of Moria were dark and secluded, like a separate realm from the rest of the mountain range. The stone was green and greasy, almost obsidian in the darkness we walked in. There was a puddle-like pond next to the rocky wall that Gandalf approached, the water was black as the night sky.

Gandalf touched the wall of blackish green stone, and lines of glowing silver took over and made the outline of a door, with engravings of a different language across the top.

"Itiden..." The wizard stated. "It mirrors only starlight and moonlight."

He looked up at the night sky of black, and the moon revealed itself behind fast moving grey clouds.

He looked at the door and took a step back with one hand placed firmly on his hip. A proud expression painted on his face.

"It reads," The wizard cleared his throat, "The door of Durin, Lord of Moria. Speak, friend, and enter."

"What do you suppose that means?" Merry, one of the Hobbits, questioned.

"It's quite simple. If you are a friend, speak the password and the doors will open." He seemed confident in his answer, but would the great Mines of Moria truly have such simple instructions engraved on their front door?

I looked at Legolas, who had a thoughtful expression.

"Do you really think it would be that simple?" I asked him.

"No, there must be something that we're missing. It seems too easy." He squinted his eyes at the door, thinking.

Gandalf backed up and placed the tip of his wizard's staff on the door, incanting something of a different language: the supposed password that he thought would work.

The door stands, unchanging and unopened. Gandalf continued at his spells and theoretical passwords, while the rest of the fellowship did other things.

Aragorn and Sam set the ponies free, claiming the mines were no place for ponies, and said goodbye.

Merry and Pippin started to pass the time by throwing stones into the lake. The falling pebbles make circular ripples in the black water. Pippin prepared to throw another, but Aragorn grabbed his arm and stops him.

"Do not disturb the water." He warned the two hobbits quietly.

I watched the ripple of the stone grow, and then come back, as if something moved underneath the water.

"Legolas," I said, pointing at the water. "Look."

He saw it too, and exchanged a worried look with me. Boromir and Aragorn also saw the mystery of the creature that resided beneath the dark waters.

Frodo stood from his place on a rock and spoke, walking towards the door of light.

"It's a riddle," He proclaimed. "Speak 'friend' and enter. What's the Elvish word for friend?"

"Friend." Gandalf said in Sindarin.

The door reacted to this word, the opening splitting in two, creating an entrance into a dark place inside the mountain. Gandalf chuckled happily at the sight of this. Everyone turned their heads and cautiously, we entered into the Mines of Moria.

The mines were messy and dusty, as if they hadn't been used in ages. The darkness was difficult to see in, but after a moment, my eyes adjusted a little. I stuck close to Legolas who noticed this.

"So, master and mistress Elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the dwarves." As Gimli spoke, Gandalf's staff radiated a strong light to guide us as we explored. "This, my friends, is the home of my cousin Balin. And they call it a mine. A mine!"

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