Affairs of Rohan

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The Village was poor. Rotting wood built their homes, grass was dying where they stood, and they stared at us with blank faces.

"You could find more cheer in a graveyard." Gimli commented quietly.

We tied our horses up near the main building of the village, where the King would rest. We walked up the stairs of the building, made of stone. A group of royal guards approached us before we reached the doors, one of them standing at the front of the group. He wore no helmet.

"I cannot allow you before Theoden-King so armed, Gandalf Greyhame." He said, Gandalf looking at the many weapons we held. "By order of Grima Wormtongue."

Gandalf looked at all of us and nodded, ordering us to hand over our weapons.

Gimli gave over his battleaxe, and Aragorn his knife, sword, arrows and bow. Gandalf handed the guards his sword. Legolas handed over his quiver of arrows and his longbow, giving his knives a little twirl before surrendering them.

I handed a nearby guard the two knives that rested on my hips, and then the one that was snug in my boot. He eyed me suspiciously, no doubt wondering why a lady Elf was out adventuring all the way to Rohan.

The guard at the front gestured to Gandalf's staff. "Your staff."

"Hmm, oh." The wizard looked at the guard innocently. "You would not part an old man from his walking stick." He said, grabbing Aragorn's arm and holding onto it as he walked.

The guard led us inside the building, into a long hall, and at the end, a throne. It was practically a fancy chair, however. The King sat on this throne, looking about three steps from death's door. He was pale as snow, and his eyes were white and deathly. His hair was white and thin, not brushed nor professional.

There sat a man next to the throne, who whispered something unintelligible to the king. The man was sickly looking white black, greasy hair that contrasted to his crusty, white skin. He looked like the human version of a crow.

"The courtesy of your hall is somewhat lessened than late, Theoden-King." Gandalf said as we walked further into the long room. He let go of Aragorn.

Legolas looked angry. As if he had seen something that was not satisfactory. I realised he was looking at the king. He was under something greater than sickness or poisoning, he was under the influence of a spell.

"Why should I welcome you Gandalf, Stormcrow?" The sickly king asked, looking to his Gothic, slithery servant.

"A just question, my liege." The crow-man said, walking towards us as he spoke. "Late is the hour in which this conjurer chooses to appear. Lathspell I name him. Ill news is an ill guest."

"Be silent." The wizard ordered the man. "Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth. I have not passed through fire and death to bandy crooked words with a witless worm."

Gandalf pointed his staff at the wormtongue.

"The staff," He cowered, backing away from us. "I told you to take the wizard's staff!"

Suddenly, the guards engage us. We were forced to fight with our fists, as we had all turned in our weapons at the door. I knocked out all the guards that came at me, about five of them. Legolas had been more quick and looked at me with a proud smile once I had finished fighting my last guard.

Gandalf did not get attacked, as we had made sure no guard could have gotten to him.

"Theoden, son of Thengel," The wizard said loudly, raising his staff and walking closer to the king. "Too long have you sat in the shadows. Hearken to me! I release you from this spell."

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