War on the Fortress

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We were prepared for battle, awaiting our enemy on the Fortress of Helm's Deep. The night sky was dark, no clouds just stars and the moon could be seen in the void above.

The Archers all stood, ready for battle, on the front lines of Helm's Deep. All of their bows were loaded and ready to be aimed. I stood behind Legolas, as I wasn't an archer, but a warrior of close up combat, ready for any Orcs that could somehow throw themselves high enough to reach me. Aragorn stood not so far from me.

Legolas turned to meet my eyes. "Are you sure you're in well enough condition to be fighting?" He asked very quietly. Elves were everywhere, and we didn't want our conversation to be heard.

"Yes," I reassured him. "I'll be fine, promise."

He didn't look convinced, nonetheless looking back at the approaching light. There were thousands of lights, getting closer in the darkness. Then the loud breathing of the Uruk-Hai could be heard, and the gibberish-like chatter of their groans and roars got louder and louder along with their noisy footsteps.

Suddenly thunder and lightning began, and then the rain started to fall. The Elves would not be stirred by the weather in terms of comfort, but slippery stone was the last thing I wanted to fight on when I was feeling off like this.

I couldn't quite put my finger on what was wrong with me. I felt off in my head and stomach most of all, but I wasn't sick. I may not have been a true Elf, but I was close enough to one that I knew that I couldn't get sick from catching diseases and such.

The Uruk-Hai stopped on the command of a larger, louder roaring one. Our archers raised their bows, awaiting the command of Aragorn. The Uruk-Hai began chanting and banging their spears on the ground simultaneously.

Moments passed, and then one of our archers fired, likely because his hand slipped, because no one else had even begun attacking. Everyone went silent.

"Hold your fire!" Aragorn shouted in Sindarin, raising his fist a little.

Everyone watched as the Uruk-Hai that the man had shot fell to the ground, the arrow that had pierced its neck stabbing through his throat and sticking out the other side of its neck.

The rest of the Uruk-Hai began roaring uncontrollably, and they charged full speed at our wall.

"So it begins," I heard the king mutter as the beasts ran towards the fortress.

"Prepare to fire," Aragorn shouted, all of the Elves stretching out their loaded bows at the same time.

"Their armour is weak at the neck and beneath their arms." Legolas said.

"Release arrows!" Aragorn shouted. All of the arrows released, like a wave of tiny spears, piercing the Uruk-Hai and killing many of the fleshy monsters that ran at our walls.

Some of the Uruk-Hai had crossbows, shooting at the Elves and causing a few to tumble down into the chaos of the dirty flood of Orc brutes below.

"Ladders!" Aragorn warned, large ladders swarming with Uruk-Hai were swung up to the walls of the fortress, our archers suddenly being swarmed with the Orc-like creatures.

Legolas took out his swords and I gave my knives a flip before killing my first one. We fought every creature that came our way, and I could tell that Legolas was worried about me because at every chance he got, he would come to my assistance, even when his aid wasn't necessary.

I stabbed an Uruk in the neck, and an arrow suddenly shot through its eye, causing it to fall back; dead. I turned to face Legolas who looked at me with his now normally anxious face.

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