The Final Battle

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I left the tent where Lord Elrond resided, and found Legolas. He was waiting for me.

"Saphie," He spoke looking down at me. "I fear you hide something."

I placed a hand on his cheek, not saying anything.

"Do you trust me?" I asked, looking into his deep blue eyes.

He nodded after a moment of consideration. He looked like he really did trust me, but he didn't really know what he was agreeing to.

My eyes moved to Aragorn, who sat upon a horse and seemed to be riding out.

"Where's he going?" I asked. Legolas turned to see the Man.

We walked over to him, and Gimli had already beaten us to the scene. He stood in front of Aragorn's horse.

"Just where do you think you're off to?" The Dwarf asked.

"Not this time," The Man said sincerely. "This time, you must stay, my friend."

We stood next to the Dwarf.

"Have you learnt anything of the stubbornness of Dwarves?" Legolas asked sarcastically.

"And that of Elves." I added.

"You might as well accept it, we're going with you, laddie." Gimli said, stepping forward.

"I intend to go alone." Aragorn persisted.

"Well then you're mistaken, because the fellowship sticks together." I said.

And with that, Gimli got onto Aragorn's horse and Legolas and I followed behind them on ours.

The night was cool and fresh, and my mind was more clear than before thanks to my talk with Lord Elrond. We rode for a while, and into the morning. By nighttime the next day, we arrived at an opening in the mountain. We all stopped at the entrance; there was pure darkness within and Aragorn was the first to go in. Then Legolas followed. Gimli waited, staring at the entrance with wide eyes.

"Scared, master Dwarf?" I asked sarcastically, crossing my arms.

"No," He said, almost startled. "Ladies first?"

"Wimp." I said in Sindarin, walking into the entrance.

"What does that mean?" He asked grumpily, hesitantly following behind me.

The entrance was into a tunnel that led into a wide opening inside of the mountain. The air was cold and wet. I loosened my knives, ready to come out into battle and Gimli held his battle axe tight. Aragorn had lit a torch and held it in front of him, lighting up the massive space that we were in. Legolas took a step closer to me.

"Who enters my domain?" A whispering, yet growling voice came over the space.

We all looked around, wondering where the voice was coming from, when a transparent, green tinted man appeared by a staircase in the large area.

Aragorn moved towards the ghost.

"One who will have your allegiance." He said.

"The dead do not suffer the living to pass." The ghost snarled.

"You will suffer me." Aragorn said.

The ghost began to laugh, and his laugh became louder, but I realised there were just more laughs joining him. Just then countless ghosts, an army of sorts came out to join the conversation. They laughed with the first ghost, the king.

"The way is shut." The ghost continued. "Now you must die."

Legolas didn't waste a second, whipping out his bow and shooting the ghostly king right between the eyes. The arrow whooshed through the ghost, not leaving a mark and hitting the wall behind him. The ghost didn't flinch.

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