To Gondor's Aid

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What remained of the fellowship in Edoras hung around the great hall, the king speaking to his servants, Eowyn speaking to Eomer, and my love speaking to me. The throne room buzzed with quiet chatter during midday, and it was all silenced when Aragorn busted through the doors and yelled, his words aimed at the king.

"The beacons of Minas Tirith!" He shouted, running into the hall. "The beacons are lit. Gondor calls for aid."

This was news, and the king looked at Aragorn, deep in thought. This likely meant that the beacons were lit at the order of Gandalf and Pippin because of their concerns regarding the warning they were to bestow upon Gondor of the vision of the Palantir.

The king thought before answering. The hall was silent. Eowyn and Eomer looked to their father for his answer.

"And Rohan will answer." The mood of the room brightened.

I looked at Legolas, who seemed anxious about our leave.

"Time to get ready." I said in Sindarin. "We've got a long ride ahead of us."

I smiled, and he tried his best to match my positive energy.

I tilted my head at him. "You're nervous?" I asked, holding his arm.

"I feel anxious that you join us." He said.

"Well, you shouldn't, because like you, I never miss."

A few hours later, we all mounted our horses and were about to leave.

"Now is the hour!" Eomer, the horseman yelled upon his steed. "Riders of Rohan - Oaths you have taken. Now fulfil them all, to Lord and land."

We rode out. The wind was strong on my face, and I held on tight to Legolas. I may have been pregnant, but that wasn't going to stop me from joining the fight that waited ahead, and it certainly wasn't something I was about to start flaunting. Especially since I was practically the only woman around. I was used to that, though, as most of the guards at Rivendell were male Elves.

We rode mostly in silence, Legolas and I, and when night was upon the group of fighters, we set up camp near the mountain. The night was black, but our people and tents were illuminated with candlelight.

"How are you feeling?" Legolas asked me.

We were sat in front of a campfire, and no one else around us was able to speak Sindarin.

"To be honest, I'm feeling a little down." I said, softening my gaze when my eyes fell onto my concerned love. "But I'm glad you're with me. I love you, you know?"

He smiled. "Everything's going to be fine, love."

I sure hoped so.

"I'm going for a walk." I said. "Don't wait up, I'll be back in a minute."

He nodded, content. When I left the campfire I saw him having a laugh with Gimli. I smiled - his happiness was contagious. The air was cool tonight, and I looked out at the valley that rested below us. The mountain next to us had a shadow of immensity and shaded the energy of the Men, I could tell.

∼ what she looks like rn ∼

∼ what she looks like rn ∼

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