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These day offs together are getting less uncommon. We spend the day going to the zoo. I really wanted to go since I never really went to a zoo before. We went to Los Angeles to check out the zoo there.

We went to the tigers and it was actually time for the zookeeper to feed them.

"It's kind of funny how tigers remind me of you, Tomo-kun."

"Why would they?"

"Well, they're big and strong. They're kinda' amazing too. But they are very similar to you when it comes to their soulful eyes. Intimidating."


"Especially when we're about to do it."

He chuckled.

"In a battle between a tiger and a wolf, who do you think would win?"

"The tiger of course."

"That's what I thought."

He grinned at me.

"Wait, are you comparing me with a wolf now?"

"Well, you're kinda' aggressive when you top on me."

I pouted at him and back to viewing the tigers. It's as if I just told him that he's in control.

The tiger yawns and slowly makes his way to his plate where the zookeeper just served its food.

"Tigers are so lazy..."

I pouted with my arms crossed.

"Well, what do you expect from a tamed tiger? You don't want it to slaughter over the zookeeper's flesh and all."

I grinned at Tomo.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"So you're a tamed tiger?"


"You just said the tiger was tamed.."

Now he yells at me.

"I'm not tamed!"


"Come on let's go."

So we walked through the park. Eating some peanuts. Tomo started to tell a story.

"Speaking of tigers and wolves. Did you know that there was once a wolf who escaped from this zoo? I think her name was Virginia. They said it was unknown if she was ever recaptured."

"That's terrible."

"I know right? I mean, what if she still lurks somewhere near the zoo?"

Tomo and I were shocked after something barked close to us.

"Percy, shh..."

"You brought the dog?!"

"Well, yeah. I couldn't just leave him home, he might pee on the bed."

"He has a cage."

"Oh... Never thought of that. Here, hold him for a while."


He doesn't like dogs. I'm only getting some water bottle from my bag. Those nuts got in my throat.

Tomo started to freak out after Percy just barked.

"Hold him! Hold him!"

"Come on, it's just a dog, Tomo-kun."

"Not funny."

"I guess I could say you're just a big cat after all."

I laughed.

Well, I guess he doesn't have the balls of a tiger at the end.

Roommate Cuddles IV: Forever and AlwaysWhere stories live. Discover now