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It's been three years and I found out that the girl who was the tenant at the old apartment has just graduated in college with a degree on bachelor of science in accountancy. I guess we have the same fate.

Her name was Peppi.

I became her backer and she was quickly accepted at work at the Bank of the United.

Karen has two kids now. She often visits me and tells me how her life's so great with James. 

Sure wish we had kids, Tomo and I. But then again there's Sora, who's 11 years old now. She's in her sixth grade and she's also top of her class. I'm so proud of her. After all, she's my little sister. She definitely got my genes.

Two years later, she'll be graduating. I promised her  I'll be there.

I'm glad mom is so happy with Chad. He's not much like dad but I just kinda' went with the flow. I mean mom's 50 now. How can I possibly say no to her profound happiness? Well, Chad can also be a great step-dad. And him taking care of mom is good enough for me. He loves her and she loves him. That's really all that matters, right?

And then there's Nate. Poor Nate who died at a young age. Not having to see the end of the story.

We could've been friends or perhaps neighbors. But then I guess he's now in peace. Happy to see me finally  getting to be with the person who deserves to be with me.

That reminds me...

"Hey Chirochi! Come on we're going to be late on our flight."

"Yeah. Just let me finish my hair."

He came upon me and combed my hair right. Damn. I could just get used to looking at this face forever. 

"There! Come on let's go."

How can life be easier without him?

For a second right there, I can't move.

"What's wrong?"

He hugged me from behind. I faced him.

"Suki desu"


I forgot, he doesn't know Japanese.

"I love you."

He laughed, nudge me on the head and kissed me.

"Are you ready for our 3rd wedding anniversary?"

I smiled and nodded at him. The dog barked after. He'll be staying at my mom's as we go to our vacation.

Nothing merely changed after ten years. He would still be my prince and I'm still his little Chiro.

All that has changed are these rings and this vow. What can be more wonderful than a simple life with the person you love that will hold on to you until the end?

Well it started from us being roommates and I probably think it will end like that either.

But then I guess this is it then. I happen to witness the bliss with him all through out these years. And now I can say that I'm glad to finally see the start of our happily ever after.

The end.

Roommate Cuddles IV: Forever and AlwaysWhere stories live. Discover now