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It's been a week since I got this melancholic feeling from leaving Tomo like that. No calls. No messages. Does he even miss me? 

I'm in the porch outside sipping on some tea. Karen came to visit me. She got pregnant for the past 3 months. 

"What happened, Chiro?"

 I can't say a thing. I try to tell her but every time I try to speak, all I manage to make is this sound of blubbering.I just can't figure it out myself. What? What just happened?

"Hey, Chiro!.."

Erika and Karen visited me the other day laughing. Putting me on a blindfold to surprise me just to cheer me up. I don't really know what they're up to but I noticed they were wearing ridiculous dresses before I get blinded.

As they put the blindfold, they dressed me up too. I don't know what I'm wearing but it feels like my usual coat at work. But I'm not familiar with its texture. 

"What is this?"

I laughingly asked. 

"Just wait for your surprise..."

So they lead me into some car. I don't know where we're actually going. I guess I just have to find out once we get there. 

"What kind of surprise is this anyway?"

"No peeking. We'll get to your surprise soon enough."

Stairs. Where are we exactly?I can hear a door opening. I think I just hit my nose. 

"Oops.. Sorry." 

They made me sit on some chair. The atmosphere was actually familiar except for the smell of fragrant flowers. 

"You ready?" 

That's when I realized as they unblinded me. It was our old apartment.Except it was completely different. It's completely decorated with white and sky blue strips of crepe paper with white roses splattered everywhere on a red carpet across the room. The lights. And everyone's here. 

Even mom! How can they even get fit here? 

"Mom. What's happening here?" 

"Let Tomo explain it to you." 


She's seated at my side. 

Even his family's here. Sarah, his mom, I think that's Anna. Karen, Erika, Chase, Tina, Peter, Melissa, Andrea, Calvin and Ronn. The basketball team. They also brought Percy along with them? 

Formally suited and seated on chairs like there was a funeral or something. Except it's not a funeral. Everyone's smiling at me and I'm just confused. This is getting more ridiculous.That's when I thought... Is this...?

The door slammed open... Tomo-kun. My well-dressed prince. I miss him so much that I'm actually shedding tears as he walks towards me.The people went wild. 

"Tomo, what is this?" 

He smiled at me and chuckled. 

"Well, you're getting married... We. Are getting married."

Now I'm really confused. 

"What? How about that girl before?" 

"You mean her?"

She pointed at the same girl I saw before. I didn't notice her there. 

"She's the new tenant here. I only asked her if we could do it here. Since this apartment meant a lot to our relationship."

Roommate Cuddles IV: Forever and AlwaysWhere stories live. Discover now