norman fucking rockwell

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charlottecalista's story 

"head over to @palacescoops yt channel to watch @graysonambrose and i's interview! link down below<3

"head over to @palacescoops yt channel to watch @graysonambrose and i's interview! link down below<3

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graysonambrose's story 

"interview with @charlottecalista out now! Thank you for having us @palacescoop, always a pleasure to work with yall🙏

"interview with @charlottecalista out now! Thank you for having us @palacescoop, always a pleasure to work with yall🙏

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watch now! 

Interviewer : You majesty, welcome to the show. 

Grayson : Thank you for having us. Always a pleasure to be here 

Charlotte : How lovely of you to have us here after exposing a video of prince grayson. 

*interviewer chuckles*

Interviewer : Anyways moving on, the public wants to know are you two really friends?

Charlotte : Yes, Like weve stated a bazillion times we are good friends. 

Grayson : I know it looks like we hate each other or something, but i promise you the only reason we dont interact much in public is because our lives are a little overwhelming in public. We dont want the cameras following us around everywhere because we stood next to each other 

Charlotte : That and the fact that prince grayson is too scared to shoo the paparazzi away. 

*grayson chuckles*

Grayson : Well, you're right. We love joking around and making fun of each other 

Interviewer : so i take it that the video was a joke?

Grayson : Yes, it was an inside joke. Princess Charlotte dislikes kanye west's music and i enjoy his music, so i play that song to tease her sometimes. Thats all 

Charlotte : I haunt him with taylor swift songs as well, dont worry swifties. 

Interviewer : Well you have it there folks, there is no beef. Just a simple inside joke. Its never really that deep. 

*Grayson and charlotte smile at the camera*

Interviewer : Now that we have you folks with us, can i ask, what plans do the prince and princesses have for the summer? Will the royal family of wellington go to their vacation home in midstern as usual?

Grayson : Oh yes of course, its a childhood tradition. But this year we're doing something incredibly special 

Interviewer : Oh and that is?

Grayson : Princess charlotte will be joining us for the entire vacation. 

Interviewer : Oh golly! Princess charlotte are you excited?

Charlotte : Affirmative. 

Interviewer : Well there you have it folks! We will be excitedly waiting for the vacation home content. And thats it for the night, Do make sure to follow palace scoop for more-

Princess charlotte switched off the tv at that moment. She absolutely hated that interview, but what she hated more is how easily grayson could pretend. How was it so easy for him to pretend like he was the best guy in the room? How could he answer the questions the media threw at him with ease as if no question could ever make him falter. It was so unfair how loved he was, princess charlotte got dirty looks everytime she entered a room- could it be about the fact that she hated the royal life? the fact that she has stated how hypocritical the system is? or is it the fact that shes regularly seen out of the palace not following "princess rules". Charlotte so desperately wished she had the freedom to do and wear whatever she wanted the way grayson did. She wanted to walk into a room and feel everyone respect for her. With these feelings in mind, she needed a break and plugged her headphones into her ears. The song playing with "norman fucking rockwell".

  Well said lana del rey, charlotte thought. 

Everything truly was easier if you were a man. This summer was going to be unlike any other summer they've ever experienced.

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