you & i

4 0 0

Prince grayson went downstairs to where the car was parked and was not surprised to find princess charlotte standing there enchanted by the view. As he went closer, he saw that she was texting someone with the sappiest smile on her face. He was perplexed as he had never seen her smile that way before, it was the kind of smile that tugged on your heartstrings and made you want to smile as well. Prince grayson gave in and smiled and couldnt help but want to see her smile more. It was almost as if she was a different person, and not the unbothered black cat she usually was. 

"princess if you're done texting, can i show you to your room?" grayson's voice broke charlotte out of her trance. 

She nodded and grayson proceeded to lead the way. 

It was silent for a good 10 minutes, before charlotte broke the silence. 

"You know i dont think i can blame you for being the asshole that you are, i too would be an asshole if i got to spend my summer in a palace like this."

"Guess you have an amazing summer palace as well." Grayson smirked to which charlotte rolled her eyes and sprinted ahead in response. Grayson ran to catch up to her but the girl was too fast, it was like she had been running like there was freedom at the end of the hallway. The girl stopped in the middle of the hallway, panting and out of breath. Grayson managed to catch up to her. 

"You're fucking crazy. "

"I just wanted to run"

"What is wrong with you? Did your parents not teach you castle etiquette. You arent the only person in the palace. "

" Stop being such a prick dickhead, its never that deep."

"Eli would roll his eyes at your rebellious behaviour"


"Damn, you've never called me by my first name"

"I know, and listen i just wanted to say, eli cares about you. I know hes not responding to your texts but believe me when i say, he'll come around. He's just shocked that you had the audacity to do something like that. Moreover i think hes mad at you for getting drunk. Just give him some space." 

Grayson was forced to listened to every single word and breathed a sigh of relief when she was done talking. He forgot what they were arguing about before, and just looked at her like she sculpted the stars with her own hand. 

"Thanks princess, i appreciate it you know. Your room is right here "

" I know you appreciate me"

"God you had to ruin the moment didnt know, how do you manage to ruin something like that"Grayson scoffed and rolled his eyes. 

Charlotte rolled her eyes in response and stormed off to her room and slammed the door in his face. 

Yeah, i deserve that grayson thought.


*3 new messages from prince dickhead*

royal dickhead- grayson 

royal pain the ass- charlotte 

royal dickhead 

My parents and basically the entire palace heard us arguing last night, so we have to establish ground rules so we dont kill everyone around us 

1) Whenever the paps come, we will pose like you and i like each other

2) We will have to constantly take pics and post them to social media. 

3) We have to spend 1 hour in a day together(with isla of course) in case someone snitches.

4) We can ignore each other's existence when its just the two of us, but when people are around we have to pretend like we're friends. 

5) We dont become friends . ( personal groundrule)

royal pain in the ass

id like to propose one more 

6) dont fall in love with me 

royal dickhead 

lmao that will be easy, stop adding your weird rom com lines here 

royal pain in the ass

no im dead serious, anyone who spends this much time with me usually falls for me.

royal dickhead

mhm sure princess. whatever you want to think

Although i think im harder to resist, so hey, challenge accepted. 

Now,Come down for breakfast 

royal pain in the ass 


royal dickhead 

fine then starve

royal pain in the ass 


royal dickhead

im making the butler bring a plate up to your room rn. 

you're 10 times more unbearable when u dont eat. 

royal pain in the ass

see, you're already falling 

royal dickhead 

Bullshit. Enjoy ur eggs and bacon 

royal pain in the ass

im allergic to eggs 

royal dickhead 

ill make the butler add an epipen as well. 



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