i feel like jumping off a very tall something

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Grayson dont know what overcame him but he immediately rushed to charlotte's side and wrapped his hands around her body. She stood still for a couple seconds and when she processed the shock of what was happening, she wrapped her hands around his body, buried her head into the crook of his neck and started sobbing. Grayson felt her body violently shake and held her as she wailed as if someone had just died. Grayson held her there and assured her that everything would be okay. He was surprised at his actions, but he couldnt bear to see anyone cry the way she was crying right now.

Eventually she stopped sobbing and just looked at him with big, lifeless eyes AND took a big sip of vodka and shoved her phone towards him. Grayson picked it up, and saw that she was listening to evan's new song. He figured out that she was probably sobbing to his horrible song, he didnt even like it that much. That asshole evan could never write a song about a real person like that. 

He tried his best to make her understand that that song wasnt all that good- just some typical cheesy song to make the girls fall to their knees. Charlotte sniffed, took the phone from him and opened the photos apps and scrolled till she found a couple photos. She handed grayson the phone and stared at the horizon. 

Grayson scrolled through the pictures and realised they were pictures of her and evan, she seemed so happy in all of them. She was smiling so widely in all of them, that was so unusual for her. He continued scrolling and his heart stopped when he saw a picture of evan and charlotte making out. 

(pic for reference)

Grayson felt his heart sink as he came to the realisation that she was dating him

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Grayson felt his heart sink as he came to the realisation that she was dating him. His mind flashed back to the story that isla sent him of evan and his girlfriend. Everything clicked at that moment- why she was so defensive when he told her evan was an asshole, her smiling at her phone on the first day and why she was so adamant on rebelling against the castle. He had never been in love before, so he had no idea what it must feel like. But from the sight of the numb girl in front of him, he knew that she loved him. He felt this strange feeling in his chest but he couldnt quite place what it was- he wanted to leace the castle, find him and rip his head off and castrate him yet at the same time he wanted to hug her and stay there forever. He had no idea what he was feeling, it was all new for him. He stepped towards her and engulfed her into another hug, she looked like she needed several of those. They stayed like that for quite some time until she stepped back, wiped her tears and took another sip of vodka. Boy,did grayson know how good that sip of vodka must have felt. He reached for the bottle and took a sip and left the liquid burn his throat- he liked the burn, it made him feel alive. 

The pair sat in silence passing the bottle back and forth. That gesture alone spoke volumes about their emotional state. Surprisingly,Grayson was the first one to break the silence. 

"So i guess we both had a horrible day huh?"

"I guess, what happened to you?" charlotte sniffled.

"My dad wants me to take over the empire, hes making me give up everything i love and dedicate my life to the palace, so i can potentially become head ruler. Today, he made me study law till my eyes couldnt say open anymore, he quizzed me on everything and when i got something wrong, he told me i was going to be a worthless ruler" Grayson sighed, it felt good to get this off his chest, even if it was with charlotte, but he knew that she probably wouldnt remember this at all. 

"That doesnt sound bad, isnt that what you want? To be the ruler? You have to be trained to handle the worst of words" she said in a whisper

"Thats not what i want to do, i want to live, i want to travel the world. I want to do work that actually matters. The kind of work that actually impacts people. Being head ruler is useless, if i dont get to make reforms and create change- thats what actually matters. "

"You have a big heart"

"and an even bigger dick" Grayson smirked, he couldnt handle how serious the conversation was getting. He wanted to deflect the topic. 

"You ruined the moment, asshole"

"Well, now you can finally tell me what the hell happened"

"Well, i guess you figured out that evan and i were dating, him and i were supposed to run away. I met him when he went on tour, i snuck to one of his small shows and im guessing he recognised me. He called me backstage and asked me to go out for drinks. I said yes and we spoke for over 4 hours. He dropped me back home and everything. He was the only person who didnt care who i was or where i'd come from. But i guess i was wrong, he had a bloody girlfriend the entire time, so yeah grayson you were fucking right, he used me. Honestly, i feel like an idiot, who in their right mind would want to leave a royal? " at this point, she was sobbing and grayson felt like he couldnt breathe. 

He hated that this was how love worked for royals. When she reached for the bottle, he pulled it away from her and when she tried to lunge at him, he grabbed her and threw her over her shoulders and carried her to her room. Realising she couldnt get out of this, she gave up trying. Grayson smiled a weak smile at her and deposited her in front of her room.. He glared at the guard and told him to not let her leave the room.

Grayson left the room feeling like a different person, the sight he had just witnessed, was different. He had clearly misunderstood the kind of person charlotte was. She wasnt some heartless royal, she cared about people deeply but never showed it. He realised She needed her best friends during times of support, so he texted all of her friends and asked them to come by the vacation house tomorrow. He looked back and noticied she had dropped her bracelet. He picked it up and wore it. For some reason, he couldnt get over the feeling of how it felt to hold her. He shook off that feeling and returned to his chambers, he had princely duties to perform. 

"Goodnight princess, i hope you find true love someday" He whispered a prayer for charlotte, and walked away to his room. 

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