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"What the actual fuck was that comment about" luna exclaimed, frantically pacing around the room with the cellphone in her hand, yelling at the person on the other end of the phone. 

"Fuck luna you should genuinely see how weird it is now!" answered isla, who was also frantically pacing around the room. 

"Charlotte wont tell me anything, im guessing they made out or something?"

"No, no if they made out someone in the castle would have known"

"Okay, tell me how weird theyve been acting now?"

"GIRL, its like their entire dynamic has changed. You know, we were watching little women the other day and those two were fighting over the remote and i left the room to get popcorn and i come back to find the charlotte on top of grayson, fighting him for the remote."

"Normal friends would never be on top of each other fighting?"

"Ugh exactly, its not just this one instance tho, ive seen grayson just blatantly stare at charlotte now, i mean he always used to stare at her but it would be a measly glance every now and then, but now hes just fully oogling at her. I dont know what to make of it."

"Fucking hell, i swear to god if theyve been hooking up and havent told me i will slit their thro-"

"I dont think theyre hooking up, believe me i know when grayson has hooked up with a girl. But these two, i dont even know how to describe their energy- like theyve been arguing more, yet the argument has sexual tension to it. Its like the other one is trying to tease the other one till they fold or burst or something, and theyre pretty stubborn people so..."

"Listen to me izzie, the ball prep is in full session now dont worry about them. Theyre probably just trying to squeeze the fun out of hating someone till the last day."

"Yeah youre right i mean its probably a good thing that both of them have forgotten about why charlotte is here in the first place."

"Good, just have a good day tomorrow! I wish i could come see you, arlo says he misses so well, give patty a huge for me"

"Thank you loons, ill do that i love you"

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