im only 17, i dont know anything

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Grayson paced around the rooftop, he had never been this anxious yet he knew he was doing the right thing. A couple minutes later, the door opened and charlotte emerges, she sat down and glared at him. Grayson took the hint and began talking.

"I had the biggest crush on leila, i met her at one of the parties. She seemed sweet and we immediately hit it off. We got closer and closer and then one day at one of my vacation home parties, and we hooked up. It was the best thing ever and after we were done she left the room and i left after, so it wouldnt look suspicious. When i walked into the room, i saw you and her talking, and she was looking at you like you were the best person in the room. She grabbed onto your arm and rested her head on your arm and you just smiled. Its the way she was looking at you that made me realise- she had never looked at me like that, not even when we were doing it. I was crushed and i texted her afterwards asking her thoughts on you and she said she would die for you. I knew she would never like me the way she liked you. I did a quick google search and found pictures of you two. In those pictures,she looks at you like you're the brighest star in the room. I looked at the pictures several times and i knew in my heart, that i couldnt continue this thing with leila smith. So i ghosted her, i know i was an idiot. But i was just 17. I really didnt know anything."

Grayson gasped for breath and looked at charlotte and tried to decipher the look on her face, she wasnt looking at him she was staring into the horizon.

"Its funny that you think she never liked you" Charlotte said, twisting her rings on her fingers, something she did when things were uncomfortable. "She was so crushed after you ghosted her, she stopped talking to everyone around her. She liked you so much. I wanted to know why exactly she liked you SO MUCH, and then one night leila and i got drunk and she confessed that she was in love with me. She just wanted a relationship with you so she could pretend that was she straight for the public. But then she ended up falling for you as well, I wasnt into her but she sure as hell was into me. She wanted both of us. It crushed my soul to know that i couldnt love her the way she wanted me to love her. It crushed me even more to know that the other person she loved like that, was you. Later in the night, she said she hated me because i had contacts with you, she couldnt live with herself knowing that she loved two people and none of them loved her back. She had heard about you and that german princess and I was drunk and 17, so i kissed her and one thing lead to another and well... we hooked up. That left her distraught. We barely spoke after that. I guess its not really your fault grayson, i kinda hated you because you messed up things between me and leila. But i guess, her and i, we were born to die."

Grayson didnt know what to say, he couldnt believe that the only reason for their hatred was leila smith. Leila fucking smith.

"Is this why we hate each other? Leila fucking smith?" grayson sighed, burying his head into his hands.

"Seriously? you think its just leila smith?" charlotte said

"What do you mean?"

"Oh youve got to be fucking kidding me. Do you not remember the great christmas party of 2020, when you told my bloody parents that i was too rebellious for my own good? You fucking said that i would be the downfall of this country if i didnt mend my ways. You said i had my priorities all disorganised. My parents NEVER forgot that, they dont let me live anymore, because of what you said. I can never forgive you for that. Your words still haunt their nightmares, and your words made my life a living nightmare"

"Fuck, the only reason I did that was because you told my parents that i was a ticking time bomb, you went and snitched to them about my partying and drinking. You told my dad that i wasnt the "country's hearrthrob" and that i was the biggest asshole to ever step foot on this earth. My dad took that shit to heart and hes so adamant on making me head ruler and the perfect prince, he doesnt let me BREATHE anymore. What do you have to say to that. You made my life a living nightmare"

"Jesus christ, i only said that to him because you bumped into me and spilled your fucking drink all over me, and you didnt even bother to apologise. You were always cold towards me, and i was supposed to be the fucking heartless and coldhearted one. I was spiteful, i didnt even mean to get that agitated."

"Are you seriously implying that im the reason you fucking snitched on me? you ruined my life."

"Oh no way in hell, YOU ruined MY life by telling my parents that. Dont even play the victim right now."

They hadnt realised how close they were to each other now, he unintentionally tucked a strand of her loose hair behind her ears. He heard her softly gasp and knew he had done something right. He leaned in and she leaned in as well, their hearts beating faster than ever. They leaned closer...closer... and closer and their lips touch-

Their intimate moment was interrupted by the door opening. The pair jumped back and pretended to gaze at scenery. It was just the chambermaid who came there to stack some chairs. She was perplexed as she looked at them. Grayson mumbled something to himself and hurriedly left the room while charlotte stood there dumbfounded. She had to tell luna, but she couldn't call her because the walls had ears, and this wasn't a stupid thing to text about.

Had prince grayson ambrose tried to kiss her? And did she almost give in? What would have happened if the chambermaid hadn't entered?

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