cake by the ocean

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"its such a pretty day today guys, lets go to the beach. Its going to help with the hangover" isla chirped

"We arent stupid you know? the only reason you want to go to the damn beach is because of that cute lifeguard. Theres no way in hell you're going" grayson exclaimed, eyeing his sister with what looked like suspicion, but no one could make out cause he was smiling.

"We? Since when did we become a we? Personally, I vote that we go to the beach, lets go secure a date with a cute lifeguard" charlotte replied as she grabbed isla's arm and dragged her to the door. Charlotte had to physically stop herself from turning back and grinning at him, but she lost that battle and turned back and told him to piss off. Isla laughed and dragged her to the lane that went to the beach. 

"He deserved that honestly" isla commented, still laughing from the encounter

"Thank you, this is why you're my favourite ambrose, now tell me all about cute lifeguard girl"

"Okayy, um her name is patty and ive been friends with her since i was like 3. Her parents are the caretakers of this vacation home, and my gosh i think im in love with her" isla squealed, like she was a little girl. 

Charlotte couldnt help but smile, she knew exactly how it felt like to be in love with someone who isnt even in the same world as you. Its lie a breath of fresh air yet also you never know when the air is poisionous. For isla's sake she was praying that patty was different because isla deserved true love more than anyone. 


patty smith

portrayed by sadie sink 

portrayed by sadie sink 

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As the girls reached the beach, isla laid out the blanket, took the speakers out of the bag and connected her phone to them while charlotte took out her book and straightened out the blanket. Out of the corner of her eye she could see isla straightening out her hair and checking her breath, charlotte was confused until she turned around and saw who was coming towards them- a tall redhead with the brighest smile on her face, she was waving frantically towards the two girls. Charlotte could tell that isla was blushing like crazy. As the girl approached the princesses, charlotte and isla stood up to greet her. 

"Hi! Im patty you must be charlotte"

"Hey yeah i am, nice to meet you patty, izzie's told me so much about you" charlotte smiled.

Isla and patty both blushed and charlotte took the opportunity to play cupid. 

"hey patty, do you surf?"

"oh my gosh yes ive been surfing since i was like 11, why?"

"Well, izzie here has always wanted to surf but has been too shy to ask someone to teach her" charlotte smirked as isla glared at her. 

"Well i wouldnt mind teachin a pretty girl to surf, its a dream come true" patty said as she winked at isla and charlotte swore that isla was on the verge of surrendering the palace's assets. Charlotte pushed isla towards patty, while patty gave her a silent acknowledgemnt. Feeling satisified, charlotte sat on the blanket when she heard someone clearing their throat, she rolled her eyes as she said " Oh dont be such a bore, let your sister have her gay romance" 

"How did you know it was me?" Grayson questioned.

"The birds started squaking like crazy and the waves got larger , i knew there was an asshole in the midst"

"I have the same effect on women too darling" 

Charlotte had no idea why she felt her face getting red but she ignored it and buried her head into the book. 

"Burying your head into that book wont make me not annoy you, i hope you know that"

"Can you just leave me the fuck alone, its a nice day. Let me enjoy it."

"Fine, i have somethig to tell you tho."

"It better be worth my time asshole" charlotte growled, her voice getting angrier by the minute. 

"Stop trying to play cupid for my sister, its fucking pathetic"

Now charlotte was really angry, "Its her life, stop being an overprotective little bitch, she faces enough homophobia on a daily basis anyway."

"Oh dont you think i know that? thats why im telling you to stay away from this shit"

"What the actual fuck is your problem grayson? Just let her be happy"

"Patty is sweet and all, but shes a fucking commoner.  Once isla falls for someone, she falls hard , do you know how soulcrushing it is to watch someone you care so deeply for get hurt by a commoner who doesnt deserve their time? Graysons words were deeply laced with undertone, charlotte couldnt comprehend what exactly he was saying. 

Charlotte didnt want to say it, but he was being so disrespectful that she decided to add fuel to the fire. "Yeah i have actually, and it was because of you" 

"What?" Grayson spat. 

Well, charlotte had dug this grave and she might as well lay in it now. "I lost one of my best friends because you made out with her at some party, told her she was hot, fucked her and then ghosted her the next day" Charlotte yelled, her chest was filled with rage now. She never thought that she would ever have this conversation with him.

"I dont recall this happening? Who?" Grayson said, as cool as a cucumber.

"Oh my gosh you dont even remember WHO and you wonder why i hate you" Charlotte scoffed and made her way towards the water, she felt the tears coming and she couldnt bear to have him see her like this without alcohol. 

Grayson run up to her and clasped onto her wrist , she tried to unclutch herself but his grip was too strong. Grayson looked at her- that one look said it all. He had no idea what she was talking about. Charlotte had now fully lost it, she was so incredibly hurt by his past actions and he had no idea what he had even done.

"Does the name Leila smith ring a fucking bell?"

"Leila smith? The governors daughter?" 

"Yeah, she was my best fucking friend"

"What about luna?"

"Luna's like my sister, leila was my best friend." Graysons eyes widened when he realised what she was talking about. She was the girl leila smith was in love with, she was the reason he had ghosted leila smith. 

"She was in love with you and you werent. " Grayson knew he had fucked up when he saw her eyes widen and well up with tears. He immediately let go of her hand and she stared at him. 

"Fuck. You." she spat as she stormed off, up the lane to go back to the house. Grayson ran his hands through her hair and he thought of ways to make it up to her. 

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