Chapter11:Surprise Visit

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The quietness of the room made the cricket's chirping loud.
The dim light from the desk lamp shone upon the brownish paper from the book , which was being read.
Kenzie concentrated on her reading as she flipped the pages in her book, on a much quicker pace than a normal reader.
She suddenly stopped and looked up.
"Different approach?".
Kenzie had been reading some mystery and criminology books.She wanted to see where she was going wrong and maybe get Ideas on how to solve it.
She thought to herself as she closed the book, marking the last page.
" That..makes more sense, I have been using the same approach, why not change things a bit...", Kenzie thought as she concentrated on each detail.
Then suddenly she smirked,"I know".
Kenzie tidied up the study and went to freshen up in her room.It was around 6pm , so she went for something not too warm but not too cold, something simple with a perfect balance.
She then took her car keys and left the house.
She was thinking on her way, if she still remembered where the person lived as she wasn't paying attention when Lucas told her.
After some driving and turning she finally arrived at a quiet area.
It had a huge gate, with no sign of people around.The area was covered with long tress.
Kenzie got off the car and walked towards the gate.
A female voice was heard coming from a device.
"Greetings, how may I help you"
"Oh I am looking for Mr Carter "
"Maxwell Carter?"
"A guest or relative"
"Did you book an appointment "
"It's an important meeting, he also wouldn't mind if I am here"
"Okay hold on let me check ...oh who are you?"
Kenzie thought about that question.If Maxwell had been avoiding Kenzie this whole time why would he suddenly agree to meet her so she had to change the approach, and fast"
"Uhm I am Courtney the new lawyer handling business matters concerning Blue Whales and Grand Stone."
"Okay please hold "
After some good five minutes, as Kenzie kept on checking her watch, the gate was opened.
Kenzie smiled upon seeing this.
She then got back and drove her car inside.
She looked at either side of the road as she drove, it was beautiful, the view was stunning, the house seemed further away from the gate.Kenzie saw a golf course and further back was a lake in which twinkled in the moonlight.It was a beautiful view and quiet.
Kenzie looked up and saw the huge mansion of Maxwell.
It looked elegant with beautiful flowers and shrubs around it.
As she got closer to the house, a butler approached her and showed her where to park.
"Thank you,"
The butler didn't respond and continued with his work.
"May I have your coat?"
"Ohh, but.."
"It's warm inside don't worry"
Was Maxwell trying to disarm Kenzie but that was useless as her weapons were like accessories, they were always part of her garments or were hidden weapons like hairpins.
And tonight she made sure to bring plenty, she didn't know which card Maxwell might pull out.Kenzie didn't know where she stood with Maxwell, why did she have a bad feeling about him, she just hoped she was right with him as she would have wasted precious time, pursuing the wrong person, I mean it was the second time at first she thought it was Lady Grey, only to find out she had died because of an unknown cause.
As Kenzie entered the room, she was amazed of the inner decoration of the house.It was magnificent, though it was not too far from being Kenzie 's house, this one carried a much more stronger aroma of wealthiness.It was furnished with the most expensive objects .She saw a huge bear skin rug and this looked like one of the few imported from Italy, though Kenzie didn't pay attention to such stuff but she still knew a thing or two with furniture as her mom was a elegant and sophisticated woman.
"Let me call Mr Carter for you"
"Oh no , don't bother, I am the one who has to go to him not the other way round, I am sure he is a busy man".
The butler nodded and took Kenzie were Maxwell was.
Kenzie followed back slowly taking in the beauty of the house and admiring it in her heart.
'Too bad all of this doesn't have a deserving owner"
Kenzie sighed and was soon led to a room with low light intensity.It was dim.
The butler stood by the door and directed Kenzie to enter.
"Mr Carter is practicing in here , you may go in"
Kenzie politely nodded and got in.
Kenzie could hear soft thrust of a..sword.She could hear , Maxwell heavy breathing and struggle.
One thing about being a Martial artist, one had to have good hearing sense.
"Mr Maxwell ", Kenzie lowly called him not wanting to surprise him as she knew very well how self defense reflexes could be.
As expected Maxwell heard her.
"Miss Lincoln, how surprising"
He stopped what he was doing and directed Kenzie towards a small table with refreshment.
He sat down and indicated Kenzie to sit also.
"Thank you"
Kenzie looked at the man , tea? really, with this weather.
"Trust me if you are worried about it being hot,then don't, this is my special Chinese tea, it's much more refreshing"
Kenzie nodded .
"I thought my guest was Courtney, surprisingly it's you"
Kenzie hadn't thought about how she was going to answer the question, she just had babbled out without thinking.
"Is Mr Carter disappointed upon seeing me instead "
Maxwell awkwardly laughed.
"Oh no silly me, what a question I asked , of course not, it's okay you can visit me, I mean I was close with your brother,I feel it's my responsibility to look after you in his place ".
Kenzie put on a fake smile.
"How kind", she said drinking the tea.
There was a moment of silence.
"Miss Lincoln, don't mind me asking but may I know why I got a visit from you this late?"
Kenzie put down the cup and looked at Maxwell.
She then smiled.
"Mr Carter, I had been trying to reach out to you for the past few weeks, you were always unavailable, I must say you are a busy man.."
Maxwell broke the eye contact and looked back in his tea cup.
Kenzie smiled upon seeing this, so he had been avoiding her own purpose.
"So I decided why not come visit you in your dwelling place, I mean every hardworking man has a resting place, home sweet home, am I right?".
Maxwell just nodded , he looked guilty as it was clear it was his intention to avoid Kenzie, but here he was claiming her as his responsibility.
"But Mr Carter, I must say, though Courtney isn't here as I said but I was right about discussing the business between your company and Grand Stone.
Maxwell stopped movement and gently placed the cup down.He now looked a bit serious.
Out of nowhere, he started awkwardly laughing.
He laughed loudly and then looked at Kenzie.
"Miss Lincoln, what's there to discuss about the business, it's fine as it is, our contract is still up and new, don't worry, I won't expect much from you, I mean a young woman like you, wouldn't know anything about this kind of business,.. it's dangerous for you "
Kenzie clenched her fist and took a deep breath.
She awkwardly smiled and dropped it in an instant.
"Mr Carter, that's not really the reason I am here, see..I am here to terminate the contract, end it , I know my brother was working with you for some time but I don't want to follow his steps, I have my own plans for my business, a pure legal business ", Kenzie made sure to arose sense of awareness on what she meant by legal.
Maxwell choked on his tea.
"Excuse me what "
"Yes Mr Carter, you heard it correctly, I want to end the deal... and if you worry about the money needed to break off the contract.I already arranged it, I will have it transferred in no time, I already have the paperwork,if you..."
"Whoa whoa whoa, are you insane", Maxwell Carter looked at Kenzie with bloody eyes of rage.
Kenzie just looked at him and smiled, such behavior didn't faze her at all.
Upon realizing his tone, he changed it real fast," All I am trying to say is, like I said Miss Lincoln, don't panic, I know you Don't have a clue about these kind of things, but don't worry, you got me, I will handle everything so don't make hasty decisions... you might regret it "
Kenzie frowned a bit at that, regret?
"I mean you will suffer great losses, this business has been doing very well ".

"I appreciate your concern Mr Carter but as the rightful owner of Grand Stone, I think it's fine for me to say I can do whatever I want with my business, it mustn't be a discussion what I want to do with it".

So it's 🐝 n (been)👻a while since I updated,well that's because I saw no views on my previous Chapter,so I thought it was a waste of my time but I just realized something, I am not writing to impress or get famous, I am writing because I love it , and if people don't appreciate it , well why must I care, I love to bring my characters to life and I mustn't give up on it , just because it's not appreciated, there are millions of people out there, one day someone or some people will recognize me, it doesn't have to be a lot even one person is more that enough 🙂

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