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Mono paced back and forth. groaning and pinched the bridge of his nose at 10 pm on a weeknight. His mom stood up from the couch and grabbed his shoulder, stopping her son in his tracks.

"Sweetie, calm down. I'm sure he's okay" Felicia assured him and squeezing his shoulder before dropping her arms to her sides. "Besides, it's not the first time he's wandered off for a whole day"

Mono sighed before sitting down on a high kitchen isle chair. "I know, I know but he always come home before it's dark" he said and gestured to the window over the kitchen sink facing the front yard and the driveway.

"That's true, he does wear his collar though so I'm sure you'll get a phone call or a text—" Felicia was suddenly cut off by a text alert from his phone.

The screen lit up on the coffee table and Mono jumped off the chair. almost marching over to the small table in front of the couch and grabbing the phone off of it.

Looking at the notification, he opened iMessage and let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding for a long time. "Someone's found Shroud" he said as he quickly typed back a reply to the person. wondering where he was and when he could pick up that asshole of his cat.

Felicia chuckled and gave her son a 'I told you so' look before wandering off to the bathroom.

Getting a reply back within a seconds. Confirming the address and a picture of he's beloved cat, Mono put his phone in his pocket and slipped his shoes on then told to his mom he'd pick up Shroud before grabbing his car keys and exiting his house.

Once in the car. He pulled his phone out and type the address into Google maps. "That fucking cat walked a five miles?!" He exclaim in frustration. when he sees the results of the address. He groan before backing out the driveway and down the road to pick up that silly cat.

People around him often asking him. Whether he actually love his cat or not. Mono always confused at such a weird question and when people told him 'You call him such a weird name' or 'I don't know, I wouldn't call my pet a sucker or an asshole.' and Mono always rolled his eyes, having to explain that his relationship with his cat was like two brothers who loves annoying each other, every second, every hour of every day.

He love that fluffy goofball very much, there was no doubt about that but as with all pet owners, the title creatures always find mischievous things to do and Shroud had earned his 'Asshole' nickname. That cat had do more bad than good.

"You have reached your destination." The GPS said and Mono pulled over, looking around for the right house number. He wasn't so surprised to find the only a light house in the neighborhood to be the right one.

Pulling the handbrake, Mono get out of the still- running car and walked up to the respective house, ringing the doorbell.

A female voice was heard talking to the other side of the door. "That must be your owner, right?" He heard before the door unlocked and revealed a short messy black hair girl.

For a second. His breath left his body because of her appearance but he quickly shook his head off and noticed the troublemaker cat of his behind her. "Shroud, how many times have I told you to not wandered off" Mono ask and gave his cat a look that meant he was neck-deep in trouble—not really but he liked to make him think like that.

"Shroud huh?, I was wondering if such a sweet cat really was named asshole" the girl said jokingly with a chuckled and reached out her hand with the intent of shaking his.

Mono took her hand and shake it, both of them introducing themselves at the same time. After a small laughing fit, the two introduced themselves properly.

"I'm Six, nice to meet you" She said and gave the tall stranger a smile.

"Hello, I'm Mono." He said and then realizing their hands were still conjoined and pulled away. "Nice to meet you too, sorry for the circumstances that little devil loves to wandered off." He jokingly said.

Six chuckled and reach forwards to pet the cat. "Poor kitty" she said, trying to look sad but a big smile was breaking through in the process.

Mono smiled, his finger running over the top of one Shroud front paw, happy to have his cat back.

"I don't want to stay too long, it's late and my car is running" Mono said, hesitantly excusing himself. If he had to be honest, he wanted to get to know more her better but there were other times for that.

"You're right" Six said and backed up. giving both of them a smile. Mono almost walked off before he paused and look at her again. "Thank you for keeping him safe until I came, I appreciate it so much" He told her and gave her a greatful smile.

Six nodded "You're welcome" she said and watching him walk to his car at the end of her empty driveway and opening the driver door, letting Shroud crawl into the car and lay down on the passenger seat.

Before he gets into the car, Six spoke up. "Oh and Mono?" She questioned with a smile. He turned around to look at her and gave her the smile back "Yeah?" He asked.

"Anytime you need someone to take care of him, you can text me—if you want to, of course. I might've grown just a little attached to that cat" She said, and a blush spread across her cheeks.

"I definitely will, thank you again" He said before he getting in into his car.

Six wave at him and watched him drive up to her road to the turning point and blink his headlights at her when driving past.

Mono answer his phone, a very familiar person called him, he didn't even let her to say something before he spoke. "He's there again, isn't he?" He asked and he heard her to hummed in replied.

He groaned. "I'm on my way, I'll be there soon" he said and walked outside, getting in his car and starting it.

Hanging up, his mood is kind of 50/50. First of all. Shroud has been very creative and not only run away once but three times a week, every time ending up with Six calling him to inform him that Shroud was with her, Again.

On the other hand, he was kind of greatful cause by the third time, Six had invited him in for coffee and a small snack. That had later on become a thing they did every time. Mono had to pick up that darn cat and they had gotten to know each other a lot— obviously, that's what happens when seeing each other multiple times a week for months.

Mono pulled up and and parked on her driveway causally getting out and walking up to the door, he knocked three times. He acknowledged his presence and then stepped inside, welcomed by the sight of Six sitting on the floor playing with Shroud.

He walked over and plopped down beside her, watching the black ball of fur playing with a feather toy the girl was holding.

Turning his gaze onto her, lifted his hand and brushes away some of her hair and lean in, pressing a kiss on her cheeks.

"I think Shroud want us to move in together, don't you think?" He asked her.

"I agree" She said with a smile before she sealed their agreement with the touch of their lips.

𝑴𝑶𝑵𝑰𝑿 -𝑶𝑵𝑬 𝑺𝑯𝑶𝑻- | ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛᴍᴀʀᴇs.Where stories live. Discover now