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A/N: oh god, this one will be a long one shot. but hope you enjoyed this!
"Babe, I'm home!" Six shouted as she entered the house with a big smile that plastered on her face, closing the door behind her and taking off her shoes and wear the slippers.

She walked into the hallway and went to the living room, seeing her fiance. Mono. was sitting on the couch.

She bent down and about to kiss his cheeks. Mono look away, she was confused why he did that.

"What's wrong babe?" Six asked him. seeing his expression was angry.

"Where did you go?" He asked her.

"Why did you asked that, you already know where I was right?. I sent you a text remember?" She said, frowned on him.

Mono turned his head on her and stood up from the couch. "Yeah, saying that you were at the mall, but what is this?" He pulled out his phone and showed to her some pictures.

A picture that she is in the restaurant with a guy. they are happy and enjoy to accompany by each other, the last photo was she and the guy was hugging.

Six was shocked. she look back at Mono who still had his glare. "Where did you get these photos? babe, you've got wro-" she was cut off by him.

"Don't lie to me!" He yelled as he slammed his hand on the small coffee table, almost making his phone to brake.

"I'm not lying to you... He is my friend -" Six trying to said, some tears building up from her eyes.

"A friend?! And now you using that to hide it from me." Mono said to her. "Six we're been together in seven years now, we promised that there is no secrets between us. I was about to say also that no cheating but I didn't. why? cause I love and trust you. but now... I can't believe that you doing this to me..." He added.

Mono tried his best to not tear up in front of her. he is hurt but most of it he felt was anger and betrayed by the person he loved. the person he thought that she's be his forever.

"Mono, I am not lying... please believe on me-" Six said to him. but Mono shook his head.

"How could I believe on you? cause I love you too much you think that I was easier to be fooled by just that 'friendly' to a guy that you've been secretly meeting up?" Mono paused for a second before he deeply sighed. "You know what. let's end this..." He trailed off.

Six widen her eyes when she heard those three words. finally the tears rolled down on her cheeks. "W-what?... Mono..."

Mono turned around to look at her. "Six this is better for us. if you don't love me anymore, you've could just say it to me than cheating behind my back..." taking off his engagement ring and put it down on the coffee table before he walked out from the living room and went outside of the house. hopped into his car and drove off.

Leaving Six on the house, alone by herself. the house that they get to start their new life as an engagement couple. only one month left before their wedding to be held. but suddenly everything is crumble down like a split second because of those photos.

Six fell to her knees and sobbed so hard. she tried her best to explain herself to him but why he couldn't let her just to speak.

'If there is a problem came to us. we should let explained whoever did a mistakes. so at least that we understood each other'

Hearing does promised they made. it's like that one promise wouldn't work at this situation.

That morning Six went to the mall to look for a gift for a souvenir to their wedding Mono was not with her because he is in work so she texted him that she will be in the mall. because you know when you attend a party or an event mostly those host just giving their guest a mug. Six wanted to gave a different gift that the guest will be love it. but she was suddenly bumped on a guy that she know well for so long.

𝑴𝑶𝑵𝑰𝑿 -𝑶𝑵𝑬 𝑺𝑯𝑶𝑻- | ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛᴍᴀʀᴇs.Where stories live. Discover now