Match Maker

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Six was sitting at one of the tables as she waited for her friend, checking every minute on her phone if she had received a text.

She let out a quiet groan when Raine didn't text her back yet. She was at the restaurant to meet Raine. She just doesn't know why Raine wants to meet her at the restaurant instead of going to her place.

It's already been fully occupied each of the tables and she doesn't want to leave, if she does then maybe when they come back they won't be able to sit again. so she patiently wait for Raine.

while waiting she saw another guy entered the restaurant, probably going to buy something to drink or eat because if so, it is unfortunate for him that there is no empty seat for him.

Six can't deny that he is kinda cute, the way that his hair was a bit messy to go in any direction.

'maybe his hair is too soft, when it touched...' she thought.

Six almost slapped herself in the face for thinking something like that stuff to a guy.

Six has never been in a relationship because she is afraid of being hurt and left behind. because nowadays. She see a lot of couples who break up, fight, abused, leaving by their boyfriends if they get their girlfriends pregnant for fear of taking responsibility. she is scared to experience does things to her life.

Not too long ago that her best friend Raine. she got into a relationship with a guy named Seven. Weird name though because. she. herself has a name of Six then to him is Seven. sometimes Raine making fun of them both because their names are consecutive.,

Six thinks that Seven isn't bad for Raine because he is a nice guy, when Raine got sick, he always took care of her. even to the point that he didn't go to his work.

she snapped back when she saw again the guy who was now holding a coffee and standing while moving his head around the restaurant. she thinks maybe to find a seat or friends he knows?.

'Ugh Six why are you so curious about this guy' She mentally screamed in her mind.

then she startled a bit when she met his gaze. this makes her flustered as she quickly looks away facing the glass window being embarrassing because he caught her looking at him.

"God... what are you doing to yourself Six" muttering to herself, still her gaze focused on the window praying that Raine would come already.

Mono felt that someone was looking at him, as he started to look around. when his eyes caught another one, a girl was sitting on the table, alone. he couldn't help but laughed quietly when he caught her looking at him.

He was basically in the restaurant to meet someone, for him waiting so long outside, he decided to grab something to drink.

then he heard his phone to PING, as he pulled out his phone, he saw a text from his best friend.

'Dude, I'll be late a few minutes. you should take a seat on there to wait for me' Mono groaned a bit before he typed on his phone.

'Seriously? I'm already here about an hour ago according to the meeting time you said, and now I'm going to wait for you for another time?'

Mono looked around again to find a vacant table but there is no availability, his foot is already hurting from standing so long outside. only one thing that caught his attention was the girl. she is alone, maybe asking her to have a permissions to sit with her? it isn't that bad to try it though.

So he walked to her table. Six slowly turned her head seeing that guy again is now standing beside her table with a smile.

"Excuse me, can I have a seat there?" he pointed to the other side of the table.

𝑴𝑶𝑵𝑰𝑿 -𝑶𝑵𝑬 𝑺𝑯𝑶𝑻- | ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛᴍᴀʀᴇs.Where stories live. Discover now