A Whole New Person

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Six POV:

For a 2 years, I've been living under the name of Lilith and well, I'm a whole new person.

Not just my name and appearance, but also my personality, I started to cursing a lot the day I woke up from my coma.

It's not my fault that I changed, THOSE bastards are to blame for it. they're the reason I changed entirely.

Tasha thought that it was good that I changed but, Dad thought that it would be effected my education. which it didn't at all.

I didn't make any friends in America since I didn't trust anyone anymore. since I just passed 11th grade and I'm gonna be a senior next month, I think it's time that I move back to Japan and pay my fake friends a visit.

"You wanna go back to Japan?!" Dad exclaimed

He was staring at me in disbelief and so were my sisters. they were looking at me like I was a crazy person.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Tasha shouted, standing up from her seat.

"Six, you can't be serious. right?" Talie asked with a frown. hoping that it would be just a joke.

"I'm serious alright" I said and chuckled. "I want to finish my final year in a school where I lost all my friends and boyfriend. I think it's time I pay them a visit" I added with a smirked.

"Six, do you really want to go back there?" Dad asked again with a worry tone.

"Don't worry dad, I'm seriously indeed" I reassured him.

"You know what? It's actually not a bad idea" Tasha suddenly said. "Scarlett would be really happy to see us again and also I wanna see the look on your fake friends faces" she chuckled with a grin.

Scarlett are my cousin and only one knows that I'm still alive and also that we using a fake names.

"But Six, if Kiera and the others ask about your family, just tell them that they all died and that you live on your own and when we arrive in Japan, you need to register yourself into the school" Talie explained to me.

"I already thought about that but you beat me into it" I laughed a bit. then I look at my Dad and asked. 'So Dad, can we move back?"

Dad sighed and nodded. "If that's what you want then we can move back but you can't blow your cover, not one of you" as we three nodded at him.

The next day, we packed everything and flight back in Japan.

Next month will be a new year and my first day back to my old school, I can't wait to see those assholes after 2 long years.

When my alarm went off, I groaned and turned it off. It was now the day that I returned back to my old school.

I had registered myself yesterday, but I didn't go directly to the school. I called there and was accepted after sending my report card from my previous school in America.

I got out from my bed and headed in my bathroom, brushed my teeth and took a nice long bath.

By the time I was done, it was already 7:15. I walked out my bathroom and went to my closet.

I put my black wristband on my right wrist and my yellow contact lenses, I left my hair down and then I checked the time to see that it was 7:30.

I walked out from my room and went downstairs, the maid told me that my sisters and Dad are already left so I went to the kitchen and put my lunch in my bag before leaving.

I put my black headphones and listened to music while walking to school

When I got there in 15 minutes and looked at it, I was back again and I was gonna face THEM again.

𝑴𝑶𝑵𝑰𝑿 -𝑶𝑵𝑬 𝑺𝑯𝑶𝑻- | ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛᴍᴀʀᴇs.Where stories live. Discover now