Let's Bet

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His fingers felt like icicles against her roaring and hot skin. Six gasped and writhed on the bed, trying not to moan as his dry fingers brushed through her folds softly.

She pressed the back of her wrist against her mouth, holding back a moan as he leaned down, encircling his lips around her clit.

His tongue teased her gently, making her moan and buckled her hips into his mouth.

He had to place a hand on her lower abdomen to hold her down. if not, he would accidentally bite her.

They had done a bet before it led to... This.


"Hah, let's bet on something!" Mono yelled with a smile to his best friend, they're in the basement, playing table tennis.

"Sure, bring it on!" Six laughed, catching the ball with her hand and looking at her best friend.

"Let's make this interesting, shall we? If you or I miss, then we have to take off a piece of garment..."

Six's breath caught in her throat, she paused and looked at him. "But, I guess if the mighty Six is scared, then we shouldn't do it" Mono pushed.

Six rolled her eyes, "I'm not afraid or scared or chickened out. I was just thinking. sure, let's make that bet!" She yelled at him, competition laced in her voice.

Mono leaned over the table and stretched out his arm, holding out his hand. Six did the same and took it, shaking his hand.

"Deal" she said. "Deal" He then said.

She thought that she would win, but...it turned out that Mono had played table tennis quiet a few times and that he was really good at it.

Because, before she knew, she was standing in her bra and underwear. looking ashamed.

"Now...I won again..." Mono smirked.

Six lowered her brows. "Not for long..." she said.

"Ohh, getting feisty, I like that..." Mono said softly, eying her as if he could take her right there.

Six threw up the table tennis rack into the air, making it spin before catching it again. "Let's finish what we were started..."

Mono smiled, shooting the ball.

"No!!" Six yelled a few moment later, realizing that she had lost. "This was a stupid idea..." she grumble, throwing away the rack towards the couch, hitting one of the pillows.

Mono chuckled, placing down his own rack onto the table and walking up to her. He placed a hand on her neck, leaning down to let his mouth meet her ear.

His right hand, which was free moved down from her shoulder, over her bra, down to her stomach and abdomen before resting at her underwear.

Six bit her lip, he slowly stroked his finger up and down the garments front, feeling around.

Her knees buckled as she felt him touch her most sensitive spot.

"M-Mono..." She panted out, breathing warm air on his shoulder.

Mono huffed out a airy laugh, picking her up and walking up the stairs towards his room where he set her down on the bed.

𝑴𝑶𝑵𝑰𝑿 -𝑶𝑵𝑬 𝑺𝑯𝑶𝑻- | ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛᴍᴀʀᴇs.Where stories live. Discover now