Are We Really Meant To Be? Part II

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Mono stood at the end of the hospital bed, in front of him was a frail woman, too weak to move. Across her was Raine, Mono's older sister. A long braided hair woman who was in her twenty nine with bags under her eyes to show the years worth of stress.

"She's been like this for a while" Raine said.

Mono walked closer to the woman on the bed.

"Mono, I just can't do this alone anymore. I need your help. How can we continue supporting mom's life? We got nothing" Raine added.

Mono just sat on the side of the bed just when his mom's hand moved and reached for his

"Who are you young man?" She asked.

"Mono" he replied with a flat face.

"That's your son mom" Raine said.

"Mom? I'm your mom? I don't recall having a children" the woman said.

"You do have a children, I'm Raine and this is Mono, remember mom?" Raine said.

"I'm sorry, I don't remember" the woman said, her eyes wide open as if it terrified her.

"Oh god damn it mom! Stop doing this! You are not helping yourself! You are giving me more problems than I already have!" Raine shouted.

"What the fuck Raine?! Just shut up okay! It's just making things worse!" Mono said shoving his sister.

Raine looked at him with glare "oh is that so? What exactly are you helping here Mono? Art? What is that stuff feeding you?! Don't you dare come to me like that if you don't have anything to give!"

"No, no, no, stop screaming, it's hurt. Don't hurt me please" the old woman started screaming and kicking. She covered her ears with her hand and started rocking herself violently on the bed.

Second later, three nurses darted inside the room. The held unto her to try to calm her down, one of them brought with them a syringe with her medication. They immediately gave her a shot through her IV on her left hand. Just then one nurse approached Mono and Raine.

"I guess it's best for you to leave, we'll make her calm down".

Mono sat on the metal bench that was situated right outside his mom's hospital room. He was silent as Raine sat beside him, crying.

He slowly grab her head and leaned it against his shoulder and let her cry.

"Mono, I don't want this anymore. Having her still alive is still feeling the tortured" She sobbed.

Mono just hugged her.

Mono was at the bar. drinking his third bottle of vodka, and smoking his last piece stick of pack of cigarettes he had fort his day.

He has fallen further into this deep pit with no escape. That he doesn't even care anymore. He just wants to drink and waste his life away. He's been beaten down and insulted way too many times that it started to hurt.

It seems like when he's drunk, he could spend the hours away and numb away from everything.

'why did I even have you?! You're a worthless piece of trash!'

Mono could hear his mom's harsh words from his mind. It had been playing and replaying a million times already.

He grunted.

Then he recalled what his sister said earlier.

'Mono, I just can't do this alone anymore. I need your help. How can we continue supporting mom's life? We got nothing'.

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