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"Six, Don't accused me without evidence" Mary jane quickly stand up from her seat. in the conference room with the others.

Sandra calming her down because of a sudden out burst. She is Mary jane supervisor.

"Ms. Six, you're working in the technical department, you only need to focus on technology, don't overly concerned yourself with other matters that not at your level" Chrome snapped a bit on Six.

Six couldn't help but mentally disbelief in this. "What if someone is embezzling profits?" she asked him.

Chrome look at her with a bit shocked. along with the others. before he look at Sandra. "Is she your subordinate?"

Sandra frowning "uh.. S-Six...—" she was cut off by Chrome again.

"Ms Six!, eat whatever you want but you can't say whatever you want, do you have a proof. If you make baseless accusations without a proof the company will deal with you seriously." He demanded to her.

"M-Mr. Chrome. Ms Six is young and impulsive" Sandra trying to convince Chrome.

"Mr Chrome, calm down. Here is the proof." Six said pointed a remote into the screen to show it. A files of private E-ledger, name of clients and actual operating expense.

Everyone was shocked, whispering to each other. Chrome look at Sandra who's looking to Mary Jane who's now felt getting in trouble herself.

"It's clearly recorded on the form, April 17. Mr. Sebastian of Aceable Inc., the actual operating expense is 200,000 and the declared expense is 400,000. then April 2018, Mr. Liu of Qihuan. The actual operating expense is 160, 000 and the declared expense is 280, 000. Do I need to keep reading it?" Six said looking directly on Chrome.

Mary Jane looking directly on Six with a hatred.

Chrome slam his hand into the desk "Close it!, close it now!" the monitor screen suddenly turned off because of his request as he stood up from his seat. "Ms. Six. We are aware of the information you provided, but don't forget! today is our company's annual summary meeting we're clear with the evidence now after the meeting we will submit it to the general manager office, I also believe the headquarters will conduct a throughout investigation, if there's nothing to discuss the meeting is over" before he could leave.

Six spoke once again. "Mr. Chrome, is that all? Or do you think the evidence is not enough?"

Chrome look at her before he faced her completely. "Ms. Six you're only the director of the technical department. your not qualified to report your supervisor furthermore these are internal financial records of our company. where did you get them? Explained it to me!"

Mary Jane looking at Six with a smirk 'I already told you, not to pick a wrong person'

Six could only do looking at the Chairman & CEO of her company that she's been working only a month in disbelief.

Suddenly the door was opened and everyone look at there, Seeing Mono was entering on their conference room. with some of his secretary. Everyone quickly standing up, knowingly who he is. He is the CEO Chairman of the company that his parents gave it to him at his age of 25. Even though he is still young. He is already a successful business person in their country. His company was in the top 1 to have successfully than any other. so the others company wanting him to be a business partner or investors but he is carefully to choose a better one.

"Good morning, Sir Mono" Everyone greeting him

"Sir Mono. H-how did you get here?" Mr Chrome asking him.

Mono raising his eyebrows on him. "How did I get here? I skydiving. Of course what else. I used a helicopter to get in here" He said in a bit sarcastic. making Six clasp her lips trying not to surpassed a laughed.

He sat on the chair that Chrome seated before and he mentioned everyone to sit already. "So I heard everything in this meeting and I don't want this to get passed or ignore just like that. so let me announced something from this day on, Mary Jane is provisionally suspected under investigation"

Chrome look at him in surprised before looking at Mary Jane who suddenly stand up. "Wait Sir. Mono. You get me wrong. this girl frame me—" pointed directly on Six who sitting in front of her in the other side of the table.

"The evidence is clear, how did she frame you?" Mono look at her with a glare.

Mary Jane bit her lips. "Since Six came to our company she's been acting wildly, do you remember it's her who forcibly took your lift in her group!" She exclaimed. Six just slowly nodding and listening to her more excuses. "And this time—"

"Is that true?" Mono just simply ask her.

"Yes!" Mary Jane acting with like she was victim.

"Enough. You should sit down." Mono said to her. making Mary Jane to shut her mouth and sitting back to her seat.

"This will be going on under investigation and I don't want any argument to heard in this meeting, and you Mr. Chrome. You shouldn't make some of your newly employees to feel that they are just a lower than you. You should have know that an employee's are the one whose making the companies up. and finding out from here of some of your employees are just like a scammer and trying to sabotage the others to just take a great impression who was on top with them, I'm disappointed." Mono said that looked last at Mary Jane. "And lastly. I've decided to not being in your investor. as long as you manage your company to be better than like this. I will not to put a signature with it." He added before standing up from his seat.

Chrome face became pale. the opportunity to make Mono his investor to his company is already done. "B-but—"

"No buts. beside. Six will be quitting this job now. I don't want my fiance to be treated like this always." Mono declare to him with a glare.

Everyone suddenly widen their eyes when they heard him saying that Six is his fiance. Yes. They are engaged but no one's know about it since to Six request. She doesn't want to be publicity about their relationship or engagement because she hate when the others in their investor will be trying to seduce her to get agreed with them. One time to her irritated she suddenly punch the men of one of their investor in the meeting in restaurants. When Mono find out about that. he was agreed to not let anyone know who is his fiance when the news spread so fast about his engagement. only a few people know who she really was.

So a month ago Mono couldn't decided if he is willing to be investment on Chrome's company cause of some rumors that he got. and then Six decided herself to apply on there to see what's going on. Mono agreeing on her. but a few week when she started to work. Six told to him about her experience to that company, some but mostly Mary Jane bullying her because she thinks that she easily stepped down the newbies employees but sooner too Six find out what is happening there and who is the one making some dirty in the expenses.

"So, I will leave Matthew to be here and taking those files to be investigated. so I will leave this now to your hand matt?" He turned around to his secretary.

"You can count on me, Sir." Matthew bow at him.

"Let's go? beside I found a restaurant and they were selling some sweets like cakes. they have a strawberry that you've like" Mono said to Six with a smile then lending out his hand to grab hers.

Six eyes lit up and she quickly stand up and grabbed her things. "Really babe, come on!" She wrapped her arm around on his one arm before they both walked out from the conference room leaving the others with shocked.

𝑴𝑶𝑵𝑰𝑿 -𝑶𝑵𝑬 𝑺𝑯𝑶𝑻- | ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛᴍᴀʀᴇs.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat