Chapter 2

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I stepped into the flowershop I visited every day. The familiar, strong scent of flowers filled my nostrils. My tensed shoulders relaxed as I strut my way over to the auburn, waiting for me at the cash out. "Hello, sir. What can i pack for you today?" The auburn beamed, and I had to keep back my frown. She was too innocent and pure to know what danger she was interacting with. Although we see each other every day, we still direct each other as Ms. and Mr. Or Sir and Ma'am.

My eyes skimmed her from head to toe, from her auburn hair to her Mary Jane's before they drifted back to her brown eyes. "Just a few roses, please." I requested, to which she got to immediately, I flicked the lint off my shirt as I watched her delicate, slim hands wrap the roses in a brown paper with the shops name on it "COME & GIFT IT" the name stood out on the elegant brown paper.

I checked over myself, I wore a white buttoned up shirt and a pair of black jeans, nothing too fancy, or too lazy. The auburns soft voice broke me out of my thoughts. "I never got your name. I'm Ivory Lisette." She introduced while we walked over to the cashout center. "Zayn Sinclair." I acknowledged with a subtle nod. "That'll be 3$ thank you!" Ivory sang, and I felt myself come addicted to her voice.

I paid for the roses, my fingers brushed hers, and I noticed a faint, crimson blush on her cheeks along with a soft shudder, whatever it was must've stung her since I'd do worse. I picked the roses and left the flowershop without another word. I dashed back to my car and went back to my penthouse. I had a collection of roses and different plants, not for myself, but for her. Ever since I've seen her, I felt attached, obsessed. What was it about her that made me this way? I wasn't one to get clingy, but she was an angel in front of my own sore eyes, an angel I wanted to consume until there was no trace of her left

I added the roses to my collection, to which I gazed over proudly. I didn't really buy flowers often, but it felt like a nice change of pace. At least it brings a little light in this hell.

Roses For Everytime I Thought About You♡Where stories live. Discover now