Chapter 5

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I couldn't help but flush a deep crimson as Zayn helped me clean up the broken flower pot. It was as if he could see right through me. It was exhilarating. We started to get along, and I even told him about what happened last night. He offered to walk me back home! I mean... I insisted we walk instead of driving since I didn't want him wasting his gas on me. My apartment was a good 25 minutes away from the flowershop, and I didn't mind morning/midnight walks.

I clocked out, grabbing my stuff as he waited for me. I dashed over to Zayn, slinging my bag over my shoulder. "I'm ready, let's go!" I screeched happily, and we got on our way back to my house. I couldn't help but think what would happen, what we'd do if he came into my apartment- Ivory. No.

As we walked, I couldn't stop my rambling, I was surprised he was listening- or was he listening? "Are you even listening to me?" I exclaimed, a faint smirk pulling at his lips."I am, just not paying attention, " I groaned, and he laughed.

Silence filled, and we admired the astonishing night, the charming stars shining at its fullest, and the moon shone bright. I took my time to admire the night sky, Zayn approved. He suddenly got a business call and stopped to take it. I waited (un)patiently, tapping my foot on the concrete while humming.

A weird sound caught my attention. It came from a nearby alleyway. I shivered but decided to check out what it was. I walked cautiously, my footsteps slow, hands shaking and breath heavy...




I turned around only to be slammed against the hard brick wall, a hand clasped over my mouth, muffling my cry of pain. I swear I heard something crack, and it was definitely my ribs. I struggled to try and escape whoever was -.. I opened my eyes to see it was my ex who held me up against the wall with a dagger over my throat, my eyes widened in fear.

"Hello, Ivory." My ex smiled sinisterly, pushing the blade closer to my throat. I whimpered in protest, trying to speak, squirm, and get away as best as I could, but he was too strong.

"Whyd you block me? Huh?" He was drunk, his breath reeked like whiskey. I tried to kick my legs before he pushed his knee into my stomach, muffling my pained cry. "C-Chris.. please -" I tried to reason with him, but he didn't listen. Instead, he wrapped his hand around my throat and squeezed hard.

My vision blurred, and my ears rang, canceling out his threats that I didn't want to hear. Tears streamed down my cheeks, and I squirmed, closing my eyes only to feel him drop me, and I hit my head on the cold concrete, panting heavily for air.

And when i opened my eyes again, I saw Zayn fighting Chris..

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