Chapter 4

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I dropped off my little sister at her high school, dad was too drunk and busy with "work" (probably fucking his secretary who was 30 years younger than him) to drive Julia to school. Jesus, ever since mom left him after my sisters birth. He'd been so careless its disgusting, he'd go out to clubs, bars, fuck random women without a single care in the world all while I had to take care of my baby sister. But that's changed. He promised to try and calm down with the alcohol and smoking. I already know he wouldn't keep that promise.

I stirred the steering wheel and drove over to COME & GIFT IT, aka the local flowershop. I was desperate to meet the auburn. Fuck, I couldn't get... get her out of my mind. She was a drug I couldn't escape, and damn I liked it. I didn't even know the woman, yet I thrived to take her for my own.

I entered the flowershop only to spot a distressed Ivory, who didn't notice me enter and looked troubled. I frowned subtly and reached her only in 2 strides. I reached out to firmly but gently grasp her shoulder, not expecting her to react the way she did.

Ivory yelped, turning around frequently and almost tripping if I weren't to steady her. "Gosh! You scared me!" She put a dramatic hand to her chest, which heaved up and down heavily. Did I scare her too badly? I could do worse. I held back my smirk, our eyes locked.

"You look tense," I stated the obvious, trying to peek at what she hid behind her. "Something wrong?" I pinned her with my gaze, and she froze. Her cheeks turned a pleasant crimson, and I almost lost it. "No, just trying to cleanup.. this." disappointment lurked in her tone as she stepped aside, and my curiosity died down at the shattered flower pot.

Ivory stared down at her feet, seemingly lost in thought before I snapped her out of it. "You should be more careful. You could've cut yourself." Yes, the words might sound caring to anyone who've read them, but it wasn't to the ones who've heard it. I never showed too much emotion. Although I could sense that the destroyed flower pot, but at something else.

Ivory remained still, not saying a word but giving me a small nod. I broke the awkward silence right after. "Do you need help with that?" I didn't help people often, but she looked troubled, plus, it was the perfect opportunity to get to know her better. She ogled me for a few brief seconds before replying, "I don't think you should. You'll get your suit-" I cut her off "Its just a suit, I have many."

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