Chapter 9

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I was bored out of my mind, and Zayn wasn't making it any better. I still couldn't help but really wonder what happened there, but I don't wanna seem noisy..

I'm in the kitchen making some snacks and vibing to some quiet music in the background. Zayn was searching for a movie to watch since I wouldn't stop pestering him to watch a movie with me. I turn to the living room to see what Zayn is doing, im not surprised to see him typing something on this phone other than searching for a movie. I frowned and looked back at my own business.

I come back with a bowl filled with chips, popcorn, and 2 glasses of coke coke. Yet again, I wasn't surprised when Zayn told me he didn't like sweets. He looks like he'd steal candy from a kid just to ruin their day, and I can honestly see that happening. I sat on the couch next to him, setting the snacks and drinks on the table as I grabbed the remote and shot him a glare. "I thought you were supposed to look for a movie?" I wondered. He set his phone on the table and sighed. "What can I say when you have a sister that is scared shitless 24/7?" He murmured, I laughed.

Scrolling through Netflix, I couldn't help but notice his stiff posture, but I didn't think much. It was maybe because of earlier, and I don't blame him. I got scared to death. I find some silly romance movie to which he grimaced. For some goddamn reason, I loved making him annoyed. Watching his tough exterior crumble beneath my forces makes me all giddy..

"Seriously? A romance movie?" Zayn groaned, his void-like eyes piercing into my soul, and all I did was point and laugh (not seriously) I snagged a piece of popcorn into my mouth, letting out a soft hum at the salty goodness tingling my tongue. I don't understand how people could hate salty popcorn. It's a classic.

I get comfy next to him, snuggling my fluffy blanket, grabbing the snacks and drinks for us, and getting ready to enjoy the night.


We weren't even halfway through the stupid romance movie until Ivory fell asleep. I rolled my eyes and looked over to her. Her long auburn hair gently fell into her face, and I urged to tuck it behind her ear, her pink lips parted and her chest heaving up and down steadily but surely. She somehow had her head on my lap with her arm around my knee. We were in a weird position, but I didn't dare to wake her up. She'd just get too annoying for a girl so pretty.

I paused the movie and cleaned up the couch a little from where I was sitting. Every subtle move I made, she tightened her grip on me and snuggled my knee. She looked so innocent asleep but when she was awake.. she was a whole new person, and I'm talking Lucifers right hand woman.

Fuck it, she can't expect me to wait until she wakes up, right? Not when she's hogging me as if I were her pillow. I was just about to get up until she squirmed, slowly waking up.

Ivory slowly sat up, her face close to mine, our breath mingling, and our eyes locked onto each other. I slowly wrapped my arm around her waist, hand cupping her cheek, and I leaned in. My lips crashed against hers in... not those types of kisses you see in romance movies. My hands roamed over her body, our tongues locked in a passionate dance.

Was I making the wrong decision? Yes. Did I care? No.

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