#7 Forfeit

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"I know...I'm sorry...Hyung..."

Seungkwan sighs and looks at their coach. "We're short, we'll have to forfeit."

Chan looks down and kicks the air slightly while pouting. "I'm sorry...I didn't think it was that bad..."

"This is why we don't drink the night before a game!" Seungkwan tries to calm his anger down and smiles at him. "But. I understand...You just focus on resting so you don't injure yourself worse."

"I'm really sorry...Hyung...I just slipped-"

"It's okay, stop crying, Chan. You're making me feel bad." Seungkwan laughs and pats him on the back lightly, making sure not to hit his sprained shoulder.

The coach looks at the schedule and sighs. "We don't have anyone to fill in, your team is already short as it is."

Chan jumps up and taps the coach. "What about Mingyu?"

"Excuse me?" Seungkwan glares at Chan for even thinking of that awful idea.

"Hmm?" The coach thinks hard then smiles. "He played volleyball in high school, that's not a bad idea, he knows the plays-"

"Coach! No way! We've been practicing for weeks, he won't be good enough to play with us!"

"He just needs to fill in, you can pull his weight in the game, but it's better than forfeiting."

"Kwan...come on...Just for one game?"

Seungkwan crosses his arms and shakes his head. "Absolutely not. Plus, he won't agree to this-"


"I wasn't mad at you before, Chan. Now I am. When you get better, don't even think about sleeping, I'm going to make you clean the locker room every night!"


Seungkwan hangs up the phone on Chan and walks over to Mingyu who is tying his shoelaces.

"Why did you agree to this?"

"Oh. Hi little brat, agree to what?"

"Why are you filling in on my team?"

"Chan and Wonwoo asked, plus what's the big deal? I used to play in high school, I'll just fill in until Chan is okay to play again."

Seungkwan rolls his eyes and leans against the locker. "Don't mess this game up, okay? After I ruined the last one, our team can't take another loss."

"Ah, so that's why you're so mad."

"I'm not mad."

"Yes you are." Mingyu laughs and points at his red face.

"I am not!"

"If you're not mad, then you're blushing."

"What?! Why the hell would I be blushing?"

He chuckles then pulls his shirt off and places his arms on either side of Seungkwan's head as he corners him and leans forward. He smirks and slides his hand around Seungkwan's lower back and pulls him to his chest.

"W-what are you doing-"

Mingyu opens the locker and pulls a Jersey out as his hand slides down Seungkwan's back, past his waist.

Seungkwan pushes him off and backs up. "Yah! What are you doing?"

He laughs and throws the jersey on. "You were blocking the locker, I simply moved you."

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